Site Map
- Climate Emergency
- Climate Emergency Declaration
- Climate Strategy, Climate Action Plan and Data
- What we’re doing as a Council
- What you can do
- Corporate Projects
- Emergency planning
- Proposed Radio Controlled Car Area at St. Mary’s Recreation Ground, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex
- Regeneration
- Housing
- Housing Options and Homelessness
- Advice and Assistance for victims of Domestic Abuse
- Social Housing
- Private Rented Accommodation
- Housing Policy
- I am a landlord and have a property to let
- Housing Loss Prevention Advice Service
- RDC Tenants
- Rother DC Housing Company
- About Rother DC Housing Company
- RDC Housing Company appoints Greymoor Construction for flagship housing project at Battle
- RDC Housing Company gains green light for affordable homes at Blackfriars’ Development in Battle, East Sussex
- Rother DC Housing Company makes significant progress to deliver its first housing scheme
- Blackfriars Site
- Homes for Ukraine
- Northeye
- Street Naming and Numbering
- Accessing Council Services
- Births, marriages and deaths
- Business Alerts
- Byelaws and legal notices
- Byelaws for Bexhill Down
- Byelaws For Good Rule and Government
- Byelaws for Skateboarding
- Legal Issues
- Byelaws for Pleasure Grounds, Public Walks and Open Spaces
- Byelaws for Fishing at Egerton Park and Polegrove Recreation Ground
- Byelaws for Egerton Park and Polegrove Recreation Ground
- Byelaws for regulation of cosmetic piercing and skin-colouring businesses
- The East Sussex Act 1981
- Cookie Policy
- Council Tax
- Council Tax 2024/25
- Council tax discounts and exemptions
- Council Tax forms
- Council Tax Summonses
- How is Council Tax Set?
- How to contact Council Tax
- Legality of Council Tax
- Methods of payment
- Problems paying your Council Tax
- Register for council tax or change address
- Request a Council Tax refund
- Revenues and Benefits Online Accounts
- The Council Tax payer has passed away
- Valuation bands and appeals
- Councillors, democracy and meetings
- Bexhill on Sea Parish Council Pre-election Event – 24 February 2021
- Cabinet Meetings – Consideration of Private Business
- Calendar of Meetings
- Chairman 2024/25
- Committees, Agendas and Minutes
- Councillors
- Decisions and Forward Plan
- Have your say…
- Joint Arrangements
- Parish Councils and Wards
- Webcasts of Council Meetings
- Who is my councillor?
- Forward Plan
- Licences and permits
- Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing
- Outdoor Events
- Public Register of Applications for Premises Licences & Club Premises Certificates
- Premises Licence
- Apply for a new premises licence
- Plans for premises licence applications
- Make changes to (vary) a premises licence
- Premises Licence application forms
- Advertising applications
- Transfer a premises licence
- Premises licence appeals and complaints
- Vary a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) on a premises licence
- Club Premises Certificate
- Personal Licences
- Temporary Event Notice
- Premises and club application and annual fees
- Alcohol and entertainment additional information
- Live Music Act 2012
- Pavement Licences
- Interested parties and making a representation
- Taxi and Private Hire Licensing
- Tax conditionality for Dual Driver and Private Hire operator renewals
- Dual Driver Licences
- Vehicle licences
- Private Hire Operators
- Make a Taxi or Private Hire Payment
- Existing drivers and licence holders
- Guidance for passengers
- Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy and Guidance
- Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Public Registers
- Animal Licensing
- Exemptions for dog kennels, home boarding or day care of XL Bully dogs
- Animal Licensing Register
- Boarding for Cats
- Boarding for Dogs in Kennels
- Breeding of Dogs
- Dangerous Wild Animals
- Day Care for Dogs
- Hiring Out Horses
- Home Boarding for Dogs
- Keeping or Training Animals for Exhibition
- Selling Animals as Pets
- Zoos
- Vaccinations
- Gambling and Lotteries
- Caravans and camping
- Other Licences and Permits
- Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing
- My Alerts
- Performance and spending
- Planning and Building Control
- Planning Advice
- Planning Appeal Public Inquiry – Land at Fryatts Way, Bexhill
- Pre-application advice
- Weekly List of planning applications received
- Apply for planning permission
- Planning Enforcement Team
- Online mapping
- Heritage and Natural Environment
- High Weald AONB Housing Design Guide
- Public Realm Strategic Framework
- Conservation Areas
- Listed buildings
- Traditional historic farm buildings
- Energy Efficiency & Historic Buildings
- Guidance to Making Applications in Historic Settings
- Natural Environment
- Bexhill Town Centre Shop Front Design Guidance
- Local Land Charges
- Building Control
- Planning application forms and guidance
- Planning Policy
- Adopted Local Plan
- Emerging Local Plan (2020-2040)
- Neighbourhood Planning
- About Neighbourhood Planning
- Made Neighbourhood Plans
- Neighbourhood Plans in Preparation
- Neighbourhood Plan Consultations
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- Engagement and Monitoring
- Do I need planning permission?
- Viewing Applications, Decisions and Appeals Online
- Privacy, Copyright and Legal
- Rubbish and recycling
- Christmas
- Missed bins, collection points and other collection information
- Voluntary litter picking
- Where does my Recycling and Rubbish Go?
- Resources and information
- Recycling Points
- Garden Waste
- Overview of our waste and recycling service
- Bulky waste, clinical and assisted collections
- New waste, recycling and street cleansing contract
- Business waste
- What can I put in my bin/sack?
- Fly tipping
- New Waste Equipment Order Terms and Conditions
- Recycling in Rother
- Tourism
- Transport, roads and parking
- Accessibility
- Benefits, grants and funding
- Business
- Rother Business Networks
- Business Rates
- Assets of Community Value
- Land and property
- Commercial properties to let
- Disposal of Open Space Land
- Bowls Green at Sidley Recreation Ground, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex
- Bowls Greens at The Polegrove, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex
- Community Hub & Car Park at Sidley Recreation Ground, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex
- Proposed Bandstand and Seating Area at East Parade, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex
- Proposed Portable Changing Facility (Container) at St. Mary’s Recreation Ground, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex
- Public Conveniences (Various) in Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex
- Local Regeneration Projects
- Filming in Rother and 1066 Country
- Tenders and contracts
- Support and advice
- Trading standards
- Community Safety Information
- Contact Us
- Data protection and FOI
- Disclosure Logs
- Fees and Charges Policy
- Freedom of information
- Open data
- Privacy Policy
- Transparency Code
- Elections and voting
- Current and Forthcoming Elections and Referendums
- Results – Camber Parish By-Election (24th August 2023)
- Results – District Elections (4th May 2023)
- Results – Fairlight Parish By-Election (2nd May 2024)
- Results – Parish Elections (4th May 2023)
- Results – Police and Crime Commissioner (2nd May 2024)
- Results – UK Parliamentary General Election (4th July 2024)
- Registering to Vote
- Postal Voting
- Proxy Voting
- Overseas Electors
- Find my Polling Station
- Casual Vacancies for County, District and Parish Councillors
- Election and Referendum Results
- Annual Canvass
- Temporary Jobs in Electoral Services
- The Electoral Register
- Electorate Statistics and Boundary Maps
- Referendum Petition Notice
- New District Ward Boundaries 2019
- Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places 2023
- Current and Forthcoming Elections and Referendums
- Environmental Health
- Air quality
- Health and Safety
- Oil storage
- Asbestos
- Dog control
- Food hygiene
- Guidance for developers and consultants
- Land that may be contaminated
- Neighbourhood problems
- Pest control
- Private and Social Housing
- Public registers
- Service standards
- Jobs and learning
- Leisure and events
- Beaches and Coastline
- Bexhill BMX and Skate Park
- Health and Well-being: Leisure Facilities Strategy
- In Bloom Competitions
- Leisure centres
- Museums
- Playing Pitch Strategy
- Rother’s countryside
- Sports Bookings
- Sports development
- Play Areas
- Parks and Green Spaces
- Byelaws for Parks and Green Spaces
- Combe Valley Countryside Park
- War memorials
- Grounds maintenance
- Grass cutting, grass verges
- Allotments
- Special Events and Fairs
- Use of Devonshire Square for Community Events
- Parks and Green Spaces in and around Battle
- Parks and Green Spaces in Bexhill
- Parks and Green Spaces in Rye
- Egerton Park
- Green Spaces, Sport and Recreation Study
- Horse rides
- Grazing
- Moving in Rother
- National and local government
- Strategies, policies and plans
- Anti-Fraud Initiatives
- Consultation and feedback
- Allocations Policy
- Blackfriars Development Site
- Budget for 2019/20
- Community Governance Review of Battle
- Community Governance Review of Bexhill-on-Sea
- Council Budget 2020
- Council Tax Reduction Scheme consultation
- Draft – Sustainable Access and Recreation Management Strategy (SARMS)
- Draft Environment Strategy
- Public Realm Strategic Framework Consultation
- Rother leisure facilities surveys
- The District of Rother (Off Street) Parking Places Order 2019
- Consultation Charter
- Public Question Time
- Petitions and e-petitions
- Corporate Plan 2020-2027
- Equalities at Rother District Council
- Local Code of Corporate Governance
- Productivity Plan for Rother District Council
- Risk Management Policy and Framework
- Rother District Council State of the District 2024