Means of Access
Information relating to highway and other transport advice is available on the East Sussex County Council website which includes parking standards, transport assessments and travel plans.
Means of Access (dropped kerbs)
You may construct a driveway or access to a property on a highway that is not a trunk road or a classified road. If the road is not a highway then you are not restricted either. If you would like to construct a driveway or access by lowering the kerb outside your property you may need to apply for planning permission if:
- Your road is classified as A, B or C
- Your property is divided into flats
- Your property is in a Conservation Area (where there is an Article 4 Direction), and you need to remove a gate pillar, wall or fence that’s over one metre high
There is restriction on the building usually through a previous planning (condition removing permitted development rights) application Schedule 2, Part 2, Class B (means of access to a highway) of the Town and Country (General Permitted Development) England Order 2015 (as amended), allows the formation, laying out and construction of a means of access to a highway which is not a trunk road or a classified road, where that access is required in connection with development permitted by any Class in this Schedule . Check what class your road is by using the ESCC adopted road checker
You will still need to gain permission from East Sussex County Council as the Highway Authority, even where planning permission is not required. You can apply for planning permission via the Planning Portal which also includes details of fees and charges