For a number of years, the Bexhill Town Centre Steering Group comprised of Councillors and officers, the purpose of the group was to produce a Town Centre Strategy to aim to address some of the challenges facing the town centre and to increase the commercial vitality and reduce deprivation.
The Bexhill Town Centre Strategy was published in 2013 after consultation with key stakeholders within the town and a survey of residents. It is not the Council’s strategy, but Bexhill’s strategy, based on what people have told us.
In 2018 Cabinet resolved to refresh the Terms of Reference of the Bexhill Town Centre Steering Group with the aim of refreshing the purpose and momentum of the group in achieving the ambitious objectives set out against 3 ambitions: work, live, relax in Bexhill.
The Steering Group chaired by the Portfolio Holder for Bexhill Town Centre, sees the inclusion of key stakeholders including RVA, Resident and Business Representatives, DLWP and Locate East Sussex.
A working group will represent each of the three ambitions, under which a list of objectives will form the basis of the groups work.
Each project team will report back to the steering group with updates on the action plan so it can be monitored.
A summary of the discussions held at each of the Steering Group meetings is set out in a published statement after each meeting along with any relevant supporting documents. These are available at the Bexhill Town Centre Downloads page, a link to which can be found at the right of this page under “related pages”.