Residents with green wheelie bins PLEASE DO NOT place recycling into sacks, just clean off any food residue and place it loose in your green bin. Remember to squash plastic bottles replacing the lids afterwards and flatten any cardboard.

It’s important that you put the correct rubbish or recycling in the right bin.

The below covers your main household collections, further materials are now also collected separately at the kerbside. For more information see our small WEEE and battery recycling page (small WEEE is small electrical items)

Recycling (green wheelie bin or pink sacks)

For detailed information on what you can recycle visit our household recycling page Our neighbouring District Council Wealden who are partners on our waste contract have an excellent recycling look up which you can use to check items

PLEASE DO NOT place recycling into sacks, only shredded paper should be placed into a carrier bag or clear bag. Anything in sacks, especially a black sack, looks like household waste and therefore can result in recycling being rejected due to contamination. Unnecessary time would be wasted checking through sacks to make sure the contents are right.

PLEASE DO NOT recycle black plastic pots, tubs or trays. Currently black plastic cannot be processed by the sorting equipment at the recycling sorting facility. Place any black plastic items in your household waste bin.

Please make sure you rinse out bottle, jars and food trays and squash any cardboard. Recycling should be clean, separated and not contain any food residue.

Please place your glass recycling directly into your recycling bin, you no longer need to separate it.


  • Glass bottles and jars (leave lids off and place in separately as made from another material)
  • Cardboard (please flatten and place in your green bin, not outside your bin stacked up)
  • Newspapers
  • Cardboard egg boxes
  • Paper (including shredded paper in clear bags)
  • Envelopes (white and brown)
  • Telephone directories
  • Books
  • Junk mail, leaflets and circulars
  • Food and drinks cans
  • Metal lids from glass bottles and jars
  • Clean kitchen foil and foil food trays
  • Aerosols
  • HDPE only toothpaste tubes (not with inner lining) Colgate recyclable tubes
  • Plastic bottles (clean, squash and then screw on lids and include for recycling)
  • Plastic food pots, tubs and trays
  • Plastic film and bags (supermarket carrier bags)

Batteries (please place in a separate carrier bag and place next to or on top of your bin (NOT INSIDE YOUR BIN)

Small Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) – Please place in a separate carrier bag and place it next to or on top of your bin (NOT INSIDE YOUR BIN)


  • Drinks cartons (Tetra Paks)
  • Bubble wrap
  • Garden Waste
  • Foil-lined plastic pouches and bags (crisp packets, baby and pet food pouches)
  • Dog waste/cat litter
  • Building materials
  • Hard plastics (toys and plant pots)
  • Black refuse bags
  • Light bulbs
  • Polystyrene
  • Food waste
  • Nappies
  • Wood
  • Rubber
  • Ceramics
  • Sand
  • Pyrex
  • Window panes
  • Mirrors
  • Drinking glasses
  • Black Plastic

Refuse (black wheelie bin or sack collection)

To keep your wheelie bin hygienic we recommend residents use refuse sacks or bin liners for their waste and not to place waste loose directly into the wheelie bin. A wheelie bin with loose waste particularly in warm weather will quick become unpleasant and unhygienic.


  • General household waste
  • Food waste
  • Nappies
  • Plastics that cannot be recycled (includes polystyrene)
  • Tetra Pak i.e. Juice, milk and soup cartons
  • Black Plastic

Batteries (please place in a separate carrier bag and place next to or on top of your bin (NOT INSIDE YOUR BIN))

Small WEEE (please place in a separate carrier bag and place next to or on top of your bin (NOT INSIDE YOUR BIN)

small WEEE is small electrical items


  • DIY waste
  • Garden waste (see below)

Garden Waste – Only if subscribed (brown wheelie bin)


  • Grass cuttings
  • Shrub cuttings
  • Plant cuttings
  • Flower cuttings
  • Weeds
  • Leaves
  • Branches (up to 10cm/4in diameter only)
  • Herbivorous pet bedding i.e. Rabbit, Guinea Pigs


  • Cardboard
  • Paper
  • Food waste
  • Cat litter and dog waste
  • Japanese Knotweed
  • Soil
  • Rubble
  • Plastics e.g. plant pots
  • Glass
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