Responses to Salehurst and Robertsbridge Revised Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Environmental Report Consultation
The consultation ran from 9am, Wednesday 1st November 2017 to 5pm, Tuesday 28th November 2017.
At the Public Hearing held on Thursday 28th September 2017 in Robertsbridge Youth Centre, the appointed independent Examiner for the Salehurst and Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan, Mr John Slater, scrutinised the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), in particular the relative scoring of alternative sites, contained within the Environmental Report.
A revised Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for Salehurst and Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan has been produced, following an invitation by the Examiner, Mr John Slater, at the Public Hearing, as recorded in his Post Hearing Notes, items 14 and 17. The revised SEA was published on 1 November 2017 at 9am, at which point a 28 day consultation commenced. The revised report can be downloaded here:
The consultation closed at 5pm on Tuesday 28th November 2017. The submitted comments can be viewed in the related documents section of this page.
The representatives of Hodsons Mill were also requested to provide information to the Examiner with regard to emergency access in the event of flooding, as recorded in items 11 and 17 of the Mr Slater’s Post Hearing Notes. This was received by 30th November 2017 and can be viewed in the related documents section.
At the Public Hearing, Rother District Council was asked to advise the Examiner the basis of their view that the church building on the site referred to in Policy HO3 as ‘Vicarage Land’ constituted a non-designated heritage asset. This advice was received by 30th November 2017 and can also be viewed in the related documents section.
All submitted comments and requested information have been sent to the Examiner who will now be considering all material he has received. Mr Slater does not wish to invite any further comments, information or representations from this point forward.