The Food Hygiene service exists to ensure that food is safe to eat for the residents and visitors of Rother.
All food businesses are routinely and regularly inspected based on a risk assessment of the premises made at the time of inspection. The interval may vary between 6 months for a ‘High Risk’ premises to every 3 years for a ‘Low Risk’ premises. In addition to inspections samples are taken regularly to check that foods are free from harmful bacteria.
The food service plan below describes all our food hygiene work.
We aim to:
- Protect people by improving the hygiene and safety of food businesses
- Improve the safety of the food people eat
- Provide consumers with a trusted source of advice and information.
We do this by:
- Inspecting businesses – our officers routinely assess all food businesses to ensure they comply with the law and provide safe food for customers. This is done mainly by unannounced inspections and by sampling of foods.
- Investigating serious complaints – this includes allegations of poor hygiene, finding foreign objects in food, mouldy or unfit food. However, labelling concerns and out of date foods are dealt with by Trading standards Officers.
- Investigating allegations of food poisoning if you believe you became ill after eating a meal out or a take away. However, you will need to visit your GP and submit a specimen to confirm you have food poisoning.