Contrary to popular belief, In Bloom is not just about seasonal flower displays!
This long-standing campaign aims to involve communities in a whole range of activities that help improve their local areas by making them safer, cleaner and greener. In doing so, the campaign seeks to increases civic pride and build a create a stronger local identity within our communities.
‘In Bloom’ covers matters such as sustainability, local environmental quality and public awareness. As well as encouraging the use of trees, shrubs and flowers to improve the appearance of communities, it promotes environmental initiatives such as recycling and the establishment of conservation areas and it tries to address issues such as litter, graffiti, vandalism and anti-social behaviour.
‘In Bloom’ exists at three levels; local, regional and national. At local level, local ‘In Bloom’ groups such as Bexhill in Bloom organise competitions for residents, businesses and schools to enter. Working with other community organisations, the local authority, businesses, charities and others, ‘In Bloom’ groups are involved in various other activities relating to ‘In Bloom’ such as volunteer gardening schemes and raising funds for projects to improve the local area.
At regional level, cities, towns and villages may enter the annual competitions through their regional ‘In Bloom’ organisation which for Rother is South and South East in Bloom. Achieving success regionally means that you may be nominated to take part in the national competition organised by the RHS.