Over 200 trees were planted on Bexhill streets, as well as 1500 whips at Bexhill Down, 38 trees at Sidley Rec and 9 trees at Southlands Open Space. (Our staff and Councillors even helped with some of the planting!)
The ‘Urban Forest 1066’ report was published, showing Bexhill has approximately 228,000 trees with the potential to trap and remove over 53 tonnes of air pollution annually. From this, a Tree Planting Strategy was developed.
95 households in the District have had solar arrays installed to date via the Solar Together schemes.
Our staff sprinted from Couch to Carbon Zero in a 10 day event to reduce their personal carbon footprints, inviting residents and businesses to join in.
A Net Zero Evidence base for the District was commissioned to support the emerging Local Plan
Our Green Team undertook a survey to understand our commuting habits, needs and emissions. The results will support a range of initiatives to encourage more active journeys and use of public transport.
£15,000 was ringfenced from the 2023/24 Community Grants Scheme for Reduce, Re-use and Recycle Grants
£500k from the CIL Climate Emergency Bonus Fund was awarded to our Village Halls Energy Project, aiming to reduce energy costs and emissions of Village and Community Halls across Rother.
The One Digital platform was rolled out, allowing residents to better access information about their Council Tax and benefits on-line as well as opt-in to paperless billing,
We began a biodiversity audit on 24 of our larger rural green spaces to understand their current condition and how we can improve them for nature.