You can apply for any premises licence application online here:
This online application covers applications for: new premises licences, major and minor variations, DPS variations, Premises transfers, Notification of Change and requesting a copy of your licence.
PDF application forms
If you are using these forms you must also send copies to all of the Responsible Authorities, one for each Authority.
Premises Licence Application Form
Premises Licence Variation Form
Public Notice Grant Or Variation Please note that this Notice must be printed on blue paper.
Public Notice Minor Variation Please note that this Notice must be printed on white paper. Online application forms
Apply online for a Premises Licence
Apply online to vary a Premises Licence
Apply online to be removed as DPS
Apply online for consent to be a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS)
Apply online to change name and address of Premises Licence (only to be used by an existing holder, use a transfer to change the holder details)
Apply online for a minor variation to a Premises Licence
Apply online to transfer a Premises Licence
Apply online for consent to transfer a Premises Licence
Apply online for an interim authority notice
Apply online for a notification of interest under section 178