The Examiner, Mr Edward Cousins, invited representatives to take part in discussions at the Public Hearing. Those individuals are noted in section 5 of the Agenda for the Public Hearing (revision 15/06/2017) below.

Each of the representatives submitted a formal Statement in advance of the Public Hearing. The statements can be viewed below:

Mr D Marlow for Rother District Council

5.(a).i. SNP RDC Hearing Statement final June 2017

5.(a).ii. MAP 1 Sedlescombe NP – RDC proposed boundary modifications_5K_A3L

Mr N Homer and Mr J Vine-Hall for Sedlescombe Parish Council

5.(b).i. Sedlescombe Parish Council Statement

Miss L Rigg, Armstrong Rigg, for MJH Executive Homes

5.(c).i. Armstrong Rigg Statement June 2017

5.(c).ii. MJH Letter 8 June 17

Mr A Skinner

5.(d).i. A Skinner SNPexam2.AS

5.(d).ii. AppA SEDR16201795

5.(d).iii. AppB SEDR16201795

5.(d).iv. AppC SEDR16201795

5.(d).v. AppD SEDR16201795

Mr M Hart

5.(e).i. STATEMENT by Marston Hart – Land at Rear of Balcombe Green

Mr M Couchman

5.(f).i. Statement_M Couchman

Mrs P Raymond

5.(g).i. Hearing short statement P Raymond overall plan

5.(g).ii. Hearing short statement P Raymond Church Hill

Mr A Olin

5.(h).i. A Olin Sedlescombe NP – Statement

Mr H Davidson

5.(i).i. 12 Gorselands NP 110617 redacted

5.(i).ii. 12 Gorselands NP 110617 image1

5.(i).iii. 12 Gorselands NP 110617 image2

Ms J Baker

5.(j).i. Baker – SED-R16-2017-448 – joint letter


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