The Housing Policy Section research housing needs (including Housing Needs and Stock Condition Surveys) and consults the community on their views whilst developing the Councils Housing Strategy to meet the housing needs of the District.

The information is crucial and provides the information base for the Council to bid for resources to provide new homes (including supported housing projects) and improve conditions to existing homes. This Section also works in partnership with Social Services and Health to develop protocols and procedures for joint working initiatives in the community care planning process and providing joint investment where available to solve clients holistic housing and care/support needs.

Housing Service – Strategic Aims and Vision

The Council has developed its Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2019-2024 from reviews undertaken during 2018; statistical information about the district and its housing and the needs of its residents; and feedback from consultation exercises carried out with our partners and residents. Specific actions and targets are described in the Strategy document’s improvement delivery plan.


Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy Improvement Delivery Plan – January 2025

Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy Targets Achieved – January 2025

The Rother Affordable Housing Update November 2017 has been published. It contains information about affordable housing delivery in Rother during 2016-17 and current schemes on site. The document can be downloaded here:

Homemove – choice based lettings in Rother

Homemove is the choice based lettings scheme that Rother District Council uses to advertise vacancies for social housing in Rother. The Council does not own any properties but maintains a housing register of applicants. Rather than homes being allocated by the council, choice based lettings allow applicants to bid for the available properties they are interested in.
You can use Homemove if you are a home seeker applying for the first time or if you are an existing tenant seeking a transfer within the Rother area.

All available properties are advertised on the Homemove website at People looking for housing association homes in Rother can then bid for homes through the website, by phone or text message.

To be able to bid, you must become a member of the Homemove scheme by applying to the Council for housing. Once you have successfully registered you will be sent a welcome letter with further information on the scheme, your application number and how to bid for properties


In order to be eligible for Homemove in Rother you must be able to demonstrate that you have a local connection to the district.

You can find out more on the Housing Register and Homemove page and by downloading the Housing Allocations Policy document.

Rother Tenancy Strategy

The Localism Act 2011 required local authorities to produce and publish a tenancy strategy. The Rother Tenancy Strategy sets out the matters registered providers (housing associations) of social housing operating in our district will have to regard when making their own policies, including:

a) the kind of tenancies they grant;

b) the circumstances in which they will grant a flexible tenancy;

c) where they grant tenancies for a certain term, the length of the term; and

d) the circumstances in which they will grant a further tenancy on the coming to an end of an existing fixed term tenancy.

The Rother Tenancy Strategy is available to download below:

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