In the first instance please complete and return the Initial Enquiry Form in order to check the suitability of your event and availability of the preferred location. Once confirmed, you will then be sent a full application which must be completed and returned at least 28 days before your event takes place (or 12 weeks before a large event), so please ensure you return the completed initial enquiry form in good time to allow this. Please refer to the guidance notes below more information about special events. You will be required to pay a damage deposit before the event and you will be invoiced for this when your event has been agreed.
Our definition of a Special Event is any activity on land owned, leased or managed by Rother District Council that one or more of the following that applies:
- In excess of 20 people.
- The event generates income from the general public via ticket sales.
- A temporary structure is going to be erected at the event (Inflatables, gazebo, fence, shelter, tent, chairs, tables, rest area etc.)
- Vehicle access or parking on land is required (other than in designated car parks)
- Where the sale of alcohol or food will be undertaken.
- Where food will be cooked and served.
- Entertainment, including marching bands, art, dancers etc.
- Where areas of public space is requested for sole use.
- Where any charitable collecting of money will be undertaken.
If your event is taking place after 6pm and before 8am regardless of whether any of the above applies, you must notify us.
For information on booking sports pitches in Rother, please visit our Sports Pitches page.
Fees and Charges*
Event Type | Charge For | Charges (2024/2025) (includes VAT) |
Commercial Event – Small | Per Day | £143 |
Commercial Event – Medium | Per Day | £426 |
Commercial Events – Large | Per Day 1-4 Per Day 5+ | £799 £614 |
Charitable/Not for Profit Event – Small | Per Day | £76 |
Charitable/Not for Profit Event – Medium | Per Day | £237 |
Charitable/Not for Profit Event – Large | Per Day 1-4 Per Day 5+ | £438 £349 |
Damage Deposit (VAT exempt) | Small Events | £50 |
Damage Deposit (VAT exempt) | Medium Events | £150 |
Damage Deposit (VAT exempt) | Large Events | £250 |
** if your event requires the toilets to be open there may be a charge for additional cleaning.
Special Events Categories
Commercial Events
Event organisers are a profit making organisation, the event is planned to generate an income that is for the benefit of the organiser or another commercial organisation. This includes traditional travelling fairs with multiple rides and stalls where charges are made for users to attend / take part.
Charitable/Not for Profit
Event organisers are a registered charity or are substantially supporting a registered charity. The event may generate an income however all profits are to be used for community projects or for charitable purposes. Event organisers must be able to supply event accounts and the registered Charity Number.
Special Event Sizes
Event is planned to have up to 200 people attending. Sole use of land is not required.
Event is planned to have between 201 and 499 people attending. Sole use of land is required.
Event is planned to have in excess of 499 people attending. Sole use of land is required.
Inflatable play equipment is “designed to be used by members of the public for entertainment purposes either as a slide or for bouncing upon”. Inflatables, such as castles, slides, domes etc can be bought from a number of different manufacturers and suppliers in the UK, both new and second hand. They come in a wide range of sizes and shapes and can be designed for use by adults, children or both. They can also be hired by organisations or members of the public for parties etc.
What you need to know
The quality construction, maintenance and operation of inflatable play equipment can be extremely variable. Buyers, hirers and users should make sure they know what it is they are paying for; things are generally cheap for good reason! Health and safety law will apply to the supply, hire and use of inflatables for commercial purposes. (It does not apply to private, domestic buyers and users.)
If inflatable play equipment will be part of your event you must read the guidance available on the Health and Safety Executives website
You should also insist that the operator provides and uses a calibrated functioning anemometer so the wind speed can be measured accurately (this will be a pre-requisite requirement for inflatable play equipment on Council owned land).