Throughout our area the majority of the roads are the responsibility of the highways authority, East Sussex County Council and you will find helpful information and links on their website.
They have a local office covering the Rother area at Sidley Depot, Ninfield Road, Bexhill, TN39 5EZ. Tel: 0345 60 80 193
They deal with such matters as the Repair of roads and pavements (including any claims for injury by tripping etc), Traffic Regulation Orders and Street Lighting. If you would like to report a problem concerning any highways related matter, please visit the ‘Report a Fault‘ page.
The A21 and the A259 are the responsibility of the Highways England. Tel: 0300 123 5000
Please do not address complaints or claims for compensation connected with these matters to Rother District Council.
Rother District Council is responsible for street sweeping, removal of litter, dog fouling and so on. Street Naming and Numbering is also a function of the Rother District Council. If you would like to report a problem concerning any highways or street cleansing related matter, please visit the ‘Report a Fault‘ page.
Rother District Council has made bylaws for Good Rule and Government (see ‘Related Pages’) which concern certain anti-social activities in streets. It has also made orders under the Dogs (Fouling Of Land) Act 1996 in relation to various Open Spaces and Highways, please see the designation order made by the Council which require a person in charge of a dog to remove its faeces (see ‘Related Pages’).
Rother District Council is also responsible for Road Closure Orders for special events, Orders controlling Street Trading, Permits for Street Collections and various other miscellaneous regulatory matters.
Rother District Council seeks to encourage public transport in conjunction with East Sussex County Council. Rother District Council is responsible for the licensing and regulation of Taxis and Private Hire Cars, and their drivers.