A Code of Practice, issued under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, defines the standards that the Council aims to achieve when providing the service. An area, when treated and where practicable, shall be left in a litter-free condition. This is achieved by mechanical or manual sweeping and litter picking.
Roads are cleaned/litter picked at varying frequencies according to their nature and use. Additional, responsive works can be carried out where necessary but the overall aim is to meet the statutory requirements of the Act. In this context the presence of litter does not imply a road/street is in need of treatment, but is has to be taken in the context of the overall conditions of the area.
You can report a problem with street cleanliness via our online Report It form.
Public toilets
View a list of public toilets or report a problem
Litter bins
The general practice is to provide litter bins where a requirement to dispose of small items of refuse is identified. This may be in areas such as: shopping areas, picnic areas, promenades, car parks, adjacent to educational establishments. Litter bins are usually sited on the adopted highway or land owned…
Dog fouling
Dog fouling is a serious health risk and must be cleaned up to prevent the spread of infection and distress to residents.
Grounds maintenance
Public open space in the Council's ownership is maintained by ID Verde under a 10 year grounds maintenance contract. The performance-based contract was jointly procured with Hastings Borough Council and AmicusHorizon and runs from 1 December 2012 to 30 November 2022.