Our online fault reporting system enables you to let us know if there are any street cleansing issues you require us to deal with in your area.
You can report a fault using our online forms 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A list of the services you can report are listed below.
Dog and Waste Bins
This form can be used for reporting issues with Dog/Waste Bins located on Rother owned/maintained land.
Recycling Points
This form can be used for reporting issues with the various Recycling Points located around the Rother area.
Parks and Open Spaces
This form can be used for reporting various issues in our parks and open spaces, including Damaged Equipment, Overflowing Bins and Safeguarding Concerns.
Abandoned Vehicles
This form can be used for reporting vehicles which have been abandoned. This online service is provided by Operation Crackdown, in partnership with Sussex Police.
Other Reports (Such as Flytipping, Dead Animals and Graffiti)
This form can be used for reporting various types of issues not covered in the above forms, including Fly-Tipping, Dead Animals, Graffiti, Flyposting and General Street Cleaning (Including Dog Fouling, Litter etc).
Highway Issues
Highway issues should be reported to East Sussex Highways, using their online Report a Problem page. A list of problems they can help resolve have been included below:
- Potholes
- Grass Cutting, Hedges, Trees, Weeds & Wildlife Verges
- Street Lighting
- Drainage
- Flooding
- Pavements & Cycleways
- Gritting & Grit Bins
- Existing Road Lines & Signs
- Traffic Signals
- Roadworks