
A259 Junction Analysis (Sep 2019)

The Analysis has been carried out by Peter Davidson Consultancy Ltd for Rother District Council and provides additional analysis on specific junctions along the A259 to assess the impact of proposed development set out in the DaSA on the strategic road network.

Bexhill – Highways Capacity Assessment Report (Nov 2018)

The Assessment has been carried out by Peter Davidson Consultancy Ltd for Rother District Council and uses transport modelling to assess the capacity of the highway network to accommodate development identified in Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan, for the year 2028.

Transport Capacity Assessment

The Transport Capacity Assessment was prepared by East Sussex County Council and draws together the conclusions of two transport assessments, undertaken by Mott MacDonald, on the effect of development in Bexhill and Hastings.

A later LDF Sensitivity Assessment was prepared by Mott MacDonald for the Rother Core Strategy.

Glyne Gap Rail Study

The study has been commissioned by Rother District Council (RDC), East Sussex County Council (ESCC) and Land Securities Group PLC (Land Securities) in order to build on earlier studies which suggested, at an outline level, that there might be a case for the provision of a station at this site.


Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP)

The IDP identifies key pieces of infrastructure needed to achieve the objectives and policies of the Local Plan. It assists with project managing the planning, programming and funding of work required to ensure that infrastructure is provided in a timely manner. It is a ‘live’ document and will be periodically reviewed and updated as the Local Plan is implemented and as further detail on infrastructure requirements and delivery emerge.

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