The Action Groups take responsibility for delivering the Partnership’s strategy.
The groups are responsible to the Safer Rother Partnership for ensuring:
- The actions identified within the Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy are progressed with the support and involvement of the Lead Agency
- Current or planned initiatives within their specialist area are identified and mapped to ensure no duplication of effort in incident reduction activity
- ‘Best practice’ and ‘best value’ are borne in mind when implementing any new initiatives
- A co-ordinated approach to problem solving in the future
- The correct membership of the group and be able to react quickly in a co-ordinated way to new concerns or problems using their specialities
- Regular minutes of meetings and update reports are produced for the Safer Rother Partnership.
- Project management should incorporate the S.M.A.R.T. methodology (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic Timescale)
The Action Groups are:
- The Property Crime Action Group – (Chaired by Sussex Police Inspector)
- The Violent Crime Action Group – (Chaired by Sussex Police Detective Inspector)
- The Anti-Social Behaviour Panel – meets monthly to look at those adults and young people who are causing difficulties in the community with their behaviour. The aim of the group is to try and intervene to tackle their behaviour with positive interventions before going down the route of anti-social behaviour orders.
- The Prevent and Deter Group – was originally know as the Youth Information sharing Group and was set up in April 2004 to address the issues of children and young people who were coming to the attention of the agencies in the town due to their behaviour, exclusion from school and their vulnerability. The group is made up of most of the agencies working with children and young people in Bexhill and meets monthly. It discusses on average 30 young people and looks at the best way to support them and their families.
Because the Prevent and Deter and the ASB group discuss some of the same young people it was agreed to run these meetings back to back. Both groups are chaired by the Youth Offending Team. Rural Rother has similar groups. - The Rother Identified Prolific and Priority Offenders Group – was set up in July 2004 and has a rotating Chairmanship between the Probation Service, Youth Offending Team and Sussex Police.
A number of agencies, organisations and other representatives of the community make up the membership of these groups, with two Rother District Council members on each of the two Action Groups. Group members have been selected because they have the skill and ability to work with colleagues from a wide range of different disciplines. They are also in a position to represent their individual organisations in such a way that they can make key decisions on the spot.
Focus groups may be formed within the Action Groups to address specific issues as they are identified, for example the Vehicle Crime Task Group – targeting hot-spot areas and seasonal problems. Task Group – targeting hot-spot areas and seasonal problems.