Special assistance with waste and recycling collection is available for those with a genuine need.
You may apply for assistance with putting our your bins if:
- You are genuinely incapacitated or disabled, either temporarily or permanently;
- There is no other able-bodied person living in the same property;
- There is no one else who might help move wheelie bins and recycling boxes to the collection point;
- You agree to a permanent alternative collection point;
- You are able to provide proof of incapacity from a Doctor.
Please note:
- Assisted collections will not be provided based on the length of driveways or distance to the property boundary.
- Assisted collections cannot be provided because of absence from home on collection days.
- The level of assistance provided may be subject to review.
To discuss your eligibility for assisted collection please call our Contact Centre on 01424 787000. A Council officer may visit to assess the situation.