To sell or supply alcohol, to provide regulated entertainment or to provide late-night refreshments you need to be licensed by your Local Authority.
To apply for a premises licence you must be over 18 years of age.
Applicants are advised to read the Council’s Licensing Policy, before submitting an application.
How to apply
You will need to pay the relevant Premises Application Fee along with your application. This is based on the rateable value of your premises. To check the non-domestic rateable value go to Business Rates Valuation.
You can apply and pay online here:
You can also apply via the website at Apply online to for a Premises Licence
If you cannot apply online for any reason, download and complete a premises licence application form and post to Licensing, Town Hall, Bexhill, TN39 3JX. Cheques should be made payable to Rother District Council. If you are not paying by cheque, please provide contact details on your form for us to collect payment.
If you are not applying online you must also submit your application to the relevant authorities.
Please note, we cannot assist with the completion of applications and advise anyone having problems with applying to instruct the services of a solicitor or Licensing Agent.
When completing the application will need to include details of:
- The licensable activities and what times these activities will take place
- Any other times when the premises will be open to the public
- In the case of applicants who wish to have a limited licence, the period the licence is required for
- Whether any alcohol that is to be sold is for consumption on or off the premises or both
- The steps proposed to be taken to promote the licensing objectives
- You will need to prove your right to work in the UK. You must either provide acceptable documentation (passport, birth certificate or naturalisation papers) or for non UK born citizens visit the Home Office Online Right to Work Checking Service and generate a 9 digit share code which will allow us to carry out the check.
- You will also need to provide a plan of the premises, which must be in a specified format, for further information see our Plans for Premises Licence Applications webpage.
- If the application is for the sale of alcohol you will need to nominate a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS). You can download a Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) Consent form or you can complete the DPS consent form online. The DPS must hold a personal licence.
- You will be required to advertise your application as a public notice and an advert in a local newspaper. For more information on how to do this please visit our Advertising Applications page.
After you have applied
Representations and Licensing Hearing and Reviews
The Licensing Authority must grant the application unless “relevant” representations (ie representations that were not deemed frivolous or vexatious) against the grant of the licence have been received.
You will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from the Local Authority by the end of the target completion period. For Rother District Council the target completion period for a Premises Licence is 30 calendar days from receipt of the application.
A Hearing must be held where “relevant” representations are made in respect of the application.
If a Hearing is held the Licence can be granted; or granted subject to additional conditions. Licensable activities listed in the application can be excluded or the application can be rejected.
The Licensing Authority will serve a notice of its decision on the applicant, any person who has made “relevant” representations and the Chief Officer of Police.
Regulation summary
Applicants are encouraged to consider the Council’s Statement of Licensing Policy and HM Government’s Guidance published under section 182 of the act when preparing their operating schedule and the steps they propose to take to promote the licensing objectives.
You can see a Summary of the Licensing Act 2003 at the website.
Related Documents
Model Conditions for Operating Schedules
Trade Associations
You may find the following organisations useful:
Broadcasting, Entertainment, Cinematograph and Theatre Union