My Alerts is a weekly email service providing information for Rother residents and businesses.
The weekly My Alerts email contains information specific to your property and surrounding area such as a reminder of your next bin collection or any planning applications nearby. It also contains useful news and events in the Rother area.
Subscribe to My Alerts
My Alerts is a weekly email service providing information for Rother residents and businesses.
Edit My Details
If you are an existing subscriber to the Rother District Council My Alerts service, you can change your details (Including Email Address, and Address) by using the ‘Update your preferences’ link at the bottom of your last My Alerts.
Unsubscribe from My Alerts
You can unsubscribe from My Alerts at any time by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of your last My Alerts.
Promote your event in My Alerts
Each weekend Rother District Council shares council news, bin collection information and events within the Rother area in our weekly My Alerts email to residents.