Rother and Wealden Environmental Health Notice
Foraging on Camber Sands is not permitted as it is a site of Special Scientific Interest. The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981(as amended) makes it an offence to forage on a site of special scientific interest.
It is illegal to gather any live bi-valve molluscs from Camber Sands or any beach in Rother for commercial benefit.
Camber beach is not a class a, b or c production area for live bi-valve molluscs and there are no classified areas in Rother District Council’s area.
It is an offence to gather and harvest any live bi-valve molluscs including cockles from an area that is not classified.
(regulation (ec) 853/2004 annex iii)
The penalty is £5000 for each offence for each person and the cockles can also be seized and removed.
It is illegal to sell any live bi-valve molluscs including cockles from Camber beach and any beach in Rother District Council’s area.
Live bi-valve molluscs gathered from these beaches may be contaminated and should not be eaten.