Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) elaborate on particular policies or proposals and give further guidance on how they will be implemented.
Technical Advice Notes (TANs) provide further technical advice to developers and decision-makers on the interpretation of existing planning policies.
Guidance for car parking standards at new residential development and non-residential development is also provided.
Supplementary Planning Documents
- Affordable Housing SPD (Oct 2006)
- North East Bexhill Masterplan SPD (Jun 2009)
- Camber Village SPD (Sep 2014)
Technical Advice Notes
- Guidance for Parking at New Residential Development (Oct 2017)
- Guidance for Parking at Non-Residential Development
Affordable Housing SPD
The Affordable Housing SPD provides supporting guidance on the application of the affordable housing policies (Policies HG1 and HG2) of the Rother District Local Plan.
As required by the relevant Regulations, the SPD has been subject to a process of Sustainability Appraisal/Strategic Environmental Assessment.
It should be noted that the Affordable Housing SPD has been substantially superseded by the Core Strategy (policies LHN1 – LHN4 inclusive) and national changes, however it has not been formally revoked.
- Affordable Housing SPD (Oct 2006)
- Affordable Housing SPD – Adoption Statement (Oct 2006)
- Affordable Housing SPD – Final Statement of Sustainability Appraisal (Oct 2006)
- Affordable Housing SPD – Summary of Issues and Responses
2016 Update – Financial Contributions in lieu of Affordable Housing
It should also be noted that updated evidence has been produced for the Council to support the collection of financial contributions for affordable housing in line with the provisions set out in the National Planning Policy Framework. This work in part supersedes the basis for calculating financial contributions in lieu of affordable housing as set out in the adopted Affordable Housing SPD. The updated evidence can be found on the planning policy background evidence page, under Homes and Housing.
North East Bexhill Masterplan SPD
Policies BX2 and BX3 of the Rother District Local Plan (2006) allocate areas for strategic mixed-use housing and employment uses to the north of Pebsham and Sidley respectively. This SPD provides further guidance on the form and layout of development, as well as on implementation arrangements. It was adopted by the Council on 29 June 2009.
It should be noted that the North East Bexhill Masterplan SPD has been substantially superseded by the Development and Site Allocations Local Plan, however it has not been formally revoked.
- North East Bexhill Masterplan SPD (Jun 2009)
- North East Bexhill Masterplan SPD – Sustainability Appraisal (Jun 2007)
- North East Bexhill Masterplan SPD – Sustainability Appraisal Appendices (Jun 2007)
- North East Bexhill Masterplan SPD – Sustainability Appraisal Addendum (Jun 2009)
- North East Bexhill Masterplan SPD – Adoption Statement (Jun 2009)
- North East Bexhill Masterplan SPD – Consultation Statement (Jun 2009)
Camber Village SPD
The Camber Village SPD establishes an overarching vision for the village and provides guidance for future development in the locality. It considers the saved policies of the Rother District Local Plan 2006, the relevant policies of the adopted Core Strategy and will inform the forthcoming Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan in respect of development in the Village. It was adopted by the Council on 27 May 2015.
Camber Village is located on the East Sussex coast, close to the border with Shepway, Kent and near the historic market town of Rye. The area is valued for its outstanding natural environment and its rich biodiversity. Camber’s beaches attract many tourists in the summer as well as extreme sports enthusiasts’ all year round, with a number of kite surfing operators well established in the area. The significant increase in population in the summer months can put local infrastructure under considerable strain and there is a requirement to find a balanced equilibrium between the needs of local residents, the local economy and protecting the natural environment which makes Camber unique.
- Camber Village SPD (Sep 2014)
- Camber Village SPD – Appendix A – Statement of Consultation (2014)
- Camber Village SPD – Habitats Regulations Assessment (Mar 2013)
- Camber Village SPD – Consultation Statement (Jan 2013)
- Camber Village SPD – Sustainability Appraisal (Nov 2012)
First Homes TAN
The First Homes TAN sets out the key information relating to First Homes and how the requirement impacts on the implementation of relevant policies of the adopted Local Plan.
It responds to changes in Government policy, pending the adoption of the new Rother Local Plan, which is currently being prepared by the Council, with the initial round of public consultation planned for 2023.
Affordable Housing TAN
The Affordable Housing TAN explains how adopted Development Plan policy will be applied in situations where applications for 100% affordable housing are submitted.
It responds to the Government’s Affordable Homes Programme 2021-2026, the joint Rother District Council and Hastings Borough Council Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (2020) and Rother’s Corporate Plan 2020-2027.
Car Parking Standards Guidance
The updated County Council car parking standards guidance responds to changes in national policy introduced by the Government, notably the removal of the previous requirement for local planning authorities to set maximum standards for parking in new development.
These new standards adopt an evidence-based approach, which draws upon site visits, surveys undertaken by ESCC officers during 2011-2012 and Census data. The guidance allows applicants and planning officers to assess the optimum level of parking provision based upon local circumstances, including taking account of local car ownership data.
Rother District Council resolved that the new car parking guidance should be used in assessing parking provision in new developments