Affordable Housing
Affordable Housing Viability Assessment
The Affordable Housing Viability Assessment tests the Council’s proposed affordable housing policies and ensures that they are consistent with securing the delivery of new homes in Rother.
Affordable Housing Background Paper
The Affordable Housing background paper details the evidence base which supports the affordable housing policies in the Local Housing Needs chapter of the Proposed Submission Core Strategy. It looks at thresholds, percentages and tenures of affordable housing, along with the methodology for affordable housing targets.
Financial contributions for affordable housing from small sites in the High Weald AONB
This sets out the Council’s current methodology for payments in lieu of onsite provision of affordable housing on small sites (6-10 dwellings) on the basis of a sliding scale. It also sets out how payments would be calculated for sites where part unit payments are also triggered.
Housing Need
Housing Need Study
The Housing Needs Study was carried out by David Couttie Associates (DCA) on behalf of the Council. The purpose of the study was to examine the housing requirements needs, aspirations and demands for the communities and household of the District.
Hastings and Rother Strategic Housing Market Assessments
The Hastings and Rother Strategic Housing Market Assessments were undertaken jointly with Hastings Borough Council. The updates address the gaps in the original 2006 HMA report to ensure they comply with the Communities and Local Government Guidance (2007) and considers the effects of the housing market downturn.
- Housing Market Assessment – Final Report
- Housing Market Assessment – Summary Report
- Hastings & Rother Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2009/10
- Hastings and Rother Strategic Housing Market Assessment Update Housing Needs Assessment June 2013
Assessment of Housing Need in the Hastings & Rother Housing Market Area
Following publication of the NPPF, the ‘Assessment of Housing Need in the Hastings & Rother Housing Market Area’ report was produced. It reviews the relationship between housing growth proposed in the Core Strategy and housing need, drawing together information contained in existing documents (prepared jointly with Hastings Borough Council).
- Assessment of housing need in the Hastings and Rother HMA May 2012
- Addendum Note to the Assessment of Housing Need in the Hastings and Rother Housing Market Area
Summary Appraisal of Sustainable Housing Growth Potential
The Summary Appraisal of Sustainable Housing Growth Potential supports the housing growth set out in the Core Strategy.
Housing Provision in Rother District Background Paper
The Housing Provision in Rother District background paper reviews the national policy guidance, as well as the basis of, and assumptions behind, the housing provisions for Rother in the South East Plan. It considers their currency in terms of providing a strategic direction for the wider area as well as for Rother. The main body of the Paper concerns itself with determining the appropriate level of housing growth by looking in turn at the various factors that need to be carefully balanced.
Housing Availability
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA)
The SHLAA forms part of the evidence base to inform preparation of the Local Development Framework. It has informed the distribution of development across the district in the Local Plan Core Strategy and has also informed the preparation of the Development And Site Allocations (DASA) Local Plan.
It should be noted that the SHLAA is not a policy document and does not determine whether a site should be allocated for housing development. Such decisions will be made through statutory Development Plan Documents, taking account of a range of policy and other development considerations and be subject to prior consultation.
- Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment June 2013 Main Report
- Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment June 2013_Tables and Maps Final
Residential Standards
Space Standards Background Paper
The Space Standards background paper was published in October 2018 alongside the DaSA Local Plan ‘Proposed-Submission’ version.
Accessible & Adaptable Housing Background Paper
The Accessible & Adaptable Housing background paper was published in October 2018 alongside the DaSA Local Plan ‘Proposed-Submission’ version.
Residential Garden Sizes Background Paper
The Residential Garden Sizes background paper was published in October 2018 alongside the DaSA Local Plan ‘Proposed-Submission’ version.
Site Assessment
DaSA Site Assessment Methodologies
This background paper sets out the methodologies for assessing sites that are considered for development as part of the Council’s DaSA Local Plan.
Gypsies and Travellers
Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople Background Paper
The Gypsy, Traveller and Travelling Showpeople background paper (2011) was prepared to inform the Local Plan Core Strategy and DaSA Local Plan. It details the evidence base and methodology for the provision of sites for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople. It outlines the appropriate level of provision for Gypsy and Traveller pitches within the District to 2028 based on local need.