Vehicle accidents
Details of any accident involving a licensed vehicle should be reported to the Licensing Officer within 72 hours. Please complete our online Road Traffic Accident (RTA) Form
A licensed vehicle involved in an accident that has caused damage materially affecting the safety, performance or appearance of the vehicle, or the comfort or convenience of customers, should not be used for the conveyance of passengers until it has been properly and satisfactorily repaired. The Licensing Officer may ask to see your vehicle.
Change of ownership/vehicle registration
If you want to transfer your licensed vehicle to another licensed driver during the licence period, you must download and complete a Vehicle – Transfer of Ownership with the new owner and return it to us within 14 days, together with the appropriate fee.
If you should decide to sell or scrap your licensed vehicle, no refund can be made of any remaining period on the licence. Licence plates remain the property of the Council, and both external and internal plate must be returned to the Licensing Office within 14 days.
To licence a replacement vehicle, please visit our Vehicle Application Process page.
If you wish to change the registration of your licensed vehicle, please download and complete a Change of Vehicle Registration Number and return this to the Licensing Officer together with a copy of the vehicle logbook and current insurance document showing the new registration number.
If you wish to change the licence type of your licensed vehicle, i.e. change from Hackney Carriage to Private Hire or vice versa, please download and complete a Vehicle Transfer – PH to HC or vice versa form and return this to the Licensing Officer together with a current insurance document showing you are insured for the type of work you will be undertaking. You may also need to attend the Council offices for a vehicle inspection.
Replacement licence plates/door badges
Licence plate
Your licence plate will be reissued with a new expiry date every 12 months and it is unlikely that it will not remain in good visual condition for this period. However, please advise the Licensing Officer immediately should the plate be lost or defaced in any way. There will be a charge for replacement; see Application Fees page for the current cost.
Door badges
The Council will provide a set of self-adhesive door signs on first licensing of the vehicle at no cost. The purchase of replacement sets (due to loss or deterioration of visual condition) will be the responsibility of the vehicle owner. Replacements can be ordered from the suppliers listed from our rear door signs page.
Safeguarding information
As professional taxi drivers, you can play a valuable role in safeguarding vulnerable people, both as passengers and through observing what is going on around you. The Transport Hub Guidance Note and Taxi Safeguarding Leaflet, produced by East Sussex County Council, provide safeguarding advice to help you deal with any issues that may arise, report any concerns, and also how to protect yourself from potential allegations. It will benefit all drivers to read and be aware of this information, but it is of particular importance to those who undertake school contracts.