You may already be familiar with the green stickers that many businesses display in their shop windows. In our experience, businesses believe a top rating of 5 is good for business, encouraging more people to visit or eat with them.
The rating is based on standards of hygiene, the structure and cleanliness of the business, and the confidence officers have in management and their systems. This means it’s important for a new business to have a clean and well equipped premises, trained staff, and an appropriate written food safety management system before they start trading.
It is often the written food safety management system that catches new businesses out and can lead to a lower rating. The Food Standards Agency has produced the Safer Food, Better Business pack to help you provide a basic written management system. There are a number of Safer Food, Better Business packs available, designed to meet the specific needs of different food businesses. For more information or to get a copy of Safer Food, Better Business pack, please visit Safer Food, Better Business
There is also a Safer Food, Better Business Online Guide available in 16 different languages which can help you implement the Safer Food, Better Business scheme and train your staff.
The Food Standards Agency has also produced the Good Hygiene is Good for Business leaflet which explains more about the benefits of the scheme for you and your customers and can be downloaded from their Food Hygiene for Businesses pages.
Once you are up and running our Information for Existing Food Businesses page also gives more detailed information on the scheme, including how you can appeal your rating or request a revisit after carrying out improvements.