The information in this section is brought to you by Environmental Health which is run as a shared service between Rother and Wealden District Councils. Our pages focus on the specific issues and regulations relating to food safety and health and safety, if you would like general business advice then please visit the Business Support and Advice section.
Contact Environmental Health
Please complete our online Contact Us form in order to contact the Environmental Health department.
Starting a food business
There are so many things to consider. So, whether you want to run a restaurant, set up a burger van, or make cakes at home, let us help you. In Rother we want businesses to thrive. Successful businesses tell us how important it is to get things right from the…
Running a food business
Food Business Operators need to provide written food safety management systems that produce safe food. These systems identify and control risks, including pests, poor hygiene, cleaning, temperature control, growth of harmful bacteria, and cross contamination. Owners, managers and staff need adequate training to understand and control risks. Food businesses are…