This section includes Spatial Area Studies for Bexhill, Battle, Rye, Hastings Fringes and the Rural Areas. These studies form part of the background evidence supporting the Core Strategy.
Bexhill Town Study
The Bexhill Town Study forms part of the evidence base to refine the strategic policy direction of Bexhill. It focuses on the challenges facing the town and contributed to the development of a framework to support coordinated growth of the town, in a way that makes it a stronger centre for jobs, community and services, with a clear independent identity.
North Bexhill
The North Bexhill Appraisal and Recommendation report forms part of the evidence base relating to the broad location for future development at North Bexhill as identified within the Council’s adopted Core Strategy. The Report evaluates the nature and extent of development potential at North Bexhill. It is also accompanied by a Landscape and Ecological Study which was used to identify and appraise the landscape and ecological constraints to potential development.
- North Bexhill – Report 1 – Landscape and Ecological Study (Aug 2015)
- North Bexhill – Report 2 – Appraisal and Recommendation (Aug 2016)
Drill Hall
A Heritage Assessment was carried out in August 2018 of the Drill Hall, Down Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, in order to provide an understanding of its archaeological significance and to inform the redevelopment of the wider site as identified in the Development and Site Allocations (DaSA) Local Plan.
Land off Spindlewood Drive
For supporting documents submitted pursuant to planning application RR/2017/1705/P, including Ecological Assessment, Transport Note and Proposed Site Layout, please see the online applications and decisions page.
Battle Town Study
The Battle Town Study is part of the evidence base to inform Rother District Council’s Core Strategy Development Plan Document. The study includes a profile of the town (in terms of population, economy, services, housing and environment) and investigates some of the key issues facing the town in a planning context.
Rye and Rye Harbour Study
The Rye and Rye Harbour Study forms part of the evidence base to inform Rother District Council’s Core Strategy Development Plan Document. The paper focuses on Rye and Rye Harbour village and contributed towards refining the ‘place-shaping’ framework for one of Rother’s most distinctive settlements.
Hastings Fringes
Hastings Fringes Background Paper
The Hastings Fringes background paper provides the evidence base supporting the Hastings Fringes chapter of the Proposed Submission Core Strategy. The paper focuses on urban fringe management of the Hastings Fringe area, improving accessibility in the Hastings and Bexhill area, and looking at sustainable urban expansion that supports the shared vision for Hastings and Bexhill and is consistent with traffic and environmental constraints.
Rural Settlements Study
The Rural Settlements study aims to contribute towards the ‘Place-Shaping’ of individual villages. It has helped inform the Core Strategy and has recommended a preferred spatial distribution of development based upon service centres and to meet local needs.
Note: Although the front cover uses the term ‘Draft’ it is the final approved version.
- Rural Settlements Strategy Part 1
- Rural Settlements Strategy Village Appraisals Part 2
- Rural Settlements Strategy Appendices & Maps
Rother in Profile
The Rother in Profile document identifies the main spatial characteristics of the District, and sets the scene for the consideration of future development and change in Rother.
Strategic Gap Background Paper
The Strategic Gaps Background Paper reviews the existing gaps defined within the Rother District Local Plan (2006). The principle of Strategic Gaps is carried forward through the Council’s Local Plan Core Strategy (2014), being the subject of policies HF1 and RY1.
Urban Options Background Paper
The Urban Options background paper elaborates on the context for the strategies for Bexhill, Battle and Rye, and on their respective strategic options for future development and change.