Most people would agree that graffiti spoils the look of any area. When graffiti is left it can seem that no one cares about what is happening and that nothing is being done to deal with antisocial behaviour.
The best way to deal with graffiti is to remove it as soon as possible so that there is no reward for the person who created it. If you know who is putting up the graffiti ring Sussex Police on 101 or contact them on line via the Sussex Police.
Information can be passed to the police anonymously through the Crime stoppers free phone number 0800 555 111.
Crimestoppers website
How do you report graffiti?
Various organisations are responsible for the removal of graffiti from the property they own or control, but they depend on members of the public making reports.
You can use our online Report It form below.
It is important to mention if the graffiti is obscene or racist. The Councils will deal with your report and pass it on to the appropriate organisation. Unfortunately they cannot guarantee an outcome.
Who is responsible for removing it?
Public buildings and spaces:
Local authorities are responsible for removing graffiti from all public buildings, signs, statues and monuments and council-owned street furniture such as benches and lampposts.
East Sussex County Council Highways are responsible for lampposts, pavements, pathways and traffic signs on roads other than the A21 and A259 trunk roads, which are dealt with by the Highways Agency.
Rother District Council will remove graffiti from their property and from street names
Privately owned street furniture:
Telephone boxes, some bus shelters and electricity boxes are the responsibility of the company that put them there.
Railway property including bridges:
Reports of graffiti on railway property are dealt with by British Transport Police
Environment Agency Property:
In Rother this will include the flood defences installed by the Agency who will remove any graffiti reported.
Report graffiti to East Sussex County Council or Rother District Council through our online Report It Form by clicking the button above. The information will be passed to the appropriate organisation.
In Rother, the Sense of Place team is working with the Safer Rother Partnership to ensure that graffiti is removed from private residences and business property along with public property. The Partnership has also issued graffiti removal kits to various parishes and organisations.
Teams working as part of the Community Payback scheme run by the Probation Service are also involved in removing or painting over graffiti.