The Interactive Policies Map can be used to identify planning policies within Rother District. It should always be used in conjunction with the written versions of the Local Plan Core Strategy, the Development and Site Allocation (DaSA) Local Plan, as well as the Rother District Local Plan (RDLP) 2006 and Neighbourhood Plans where relevant.
To access the Interactive Policies Map, please click the button below.
The Interactive Policies Map reflects the Policies Map that was updated when the DaSA Local Plan was adopted in December 2019 and contains policies from the following plans:
- DaSA Local Plan
- RDLP 2006 (saved policies)
- Battle Civil Parish Neighbourhood Plan
- Burwash Neighbourhood Plan
- Crowhurst Neighbourhood Plan
- Rye Neighbourhood Plan
- Salehurst & Robertsbridge Neighbourhood Plan
- Sedlescombe Neighbourhood Plan
- Ticehurst Neighbourhood Plan
Please note: Peasmarsh Neighbourhood Plan policies are not currently shown on the interactive policies map, but can be viewed in the Peasmarsh Neighbourhood Plan document.
For interactive flood mapping, please visit the Flood Map for Planning service on
For the Waste and Minerals Policies Map, please visit the East Sussex County Council website.
This service is provided for information purposes only. Whilst the District Council takes great care to ensure that the information provided on this site is accurate, we cannot accept any liability or responsibility should you rely on the information provided and ultimately find it to have been incorrect.
If there are any queries over the interpretation of policies in the Local Plan or the Policies Map please contact the Planning Strategy Team at
Please note that the Interactive Policies Map reflects the designation boundaries as adopted in December 2019. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the following sources for current designations relating to;
- Special Protection Areas/Special Areas of Conservation, RAMSAR Sites, Sites of Special Scientific Importance and Ancient Woodlands are designated by Natural England.
- Local Wildlife Sites information can be accessed from the Sussex Biodiversity Record Centre.
- Conservation Areas designated by Rother District Council as a result of Section 70 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. The latest maps can be found on the Conservation Area page.
Contains OS data © Crown copyright 2020 OS100018643. Any Ordnance Survey mapping data included within this website is provided by Rother District Council under licence from Ordnance Survey in order to fulfil its public function to publicise various information within the Rother District Council area. Persons viewing this mapping should contact Ordnance Survey copyright for advice where they wish to licence or use Ordnance Survey mapping for their own purposes.