If you are unsure who your supplier is, please visit Water UK. It is important to know if you are drinking privately supplied water as it may need to be monitored by us.

Private water supplies are sourced from local wells, boreholes, springs and rainwater harvesting systems. It may also be water supplied by a water undertaker or licensed water supplier, which is then further distributed by another person in a private distribution network. If your household uses any of these supplies please contact us foodhs@rother.gov.uk. All private water supplies must be registered with the local authority.

Private water supplies may be treated with UV light or chlorine or may not have any treatment. As private water supplies have been connected with gastro intestinal illness it is a legal requirement that such supplies are free of disease causing bacteria and any other substance that could harm human health. From July 2016 radioactive nucleotides will be included in this. For full details please read the Private Water Supply Regulations created by legislation.gov.uk.

There are 29 private water supplies in Rother but 22 of these only serve single domestic households. We actively monitor the other 7 supplies.

The regulations oblige us to make risk assessments and to monitor all but individual household supplies. For supplies that produce less than 10 m3 water a day we will monitor the quality of the supply based on the conclusions of the risk assessment. Larger private water supplies (greater than 10m3/day), and any supplies that provide water for commercial activities, will require check and audit monitoring more frequently. We charge for risk assessments and monitoring:

  • Risk Assessment £500
  • Sampling for Each Visit £100
  • Investigation (for each investigation) £100
  • Granting an authorisation (for each authorisation) £100

Analysing a sample –

  • Taken under regulation 10 (for parameters referred to in paragraph (1)(a) to (e) of that regulation) £25
  • Taken during check monitoring £100
  • Taken during audit monitoring and monitoring under regulation 11 £500

If we consider a private water supply is unwholesome, or poses a potential harm to human health, we will inform the private water supply user/s and in liaison with Public Health England, give advice on how to minimize any potential harm. We may serve notice on the water supplier instructing that improvement works are completed within a specified time. If you would like to read more about this issue please visit the Drinking Water Inspectorate website and read their annual reports.

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