Firstly, if you are in immediate danger then please call 999 for assistance.
We understand that it is a distressing and emotional time leaving a domestic abuse situation and we want to help you to resolve your housing issue so that you and your family are safe and are able to begin to rebuild your life.
If you are now homeless or feel you are unable to remain in your current accommodation then please complete our housing form, available via this link. We will prioritise an appointment to see you and assist you by providing a range of advice and options. You can request an appointment with a male or female officer, whichever is most comfortable for you. The advice and options we can offer may include:
- Arranging accommodation in a refuge where you will receive safety planning advice and key work support.
- If a refuge place is not available, then we may accommodate you in Temporary Accommodation away from your area of danger.
- We can offer financial support into the Private Rented Sector as long as the property is suitable and affordable to you.
- We can refer you, with your consent, to the East Sussex Independent Domestic Violence Advocacy Service, The Domestic Abuse Service who will provide safety planning advice and advice around legal options.
- If you wish to remain in your current accommodation, we can refer you for Sanctuary Scheme works in order to make your property more secure. Please see below for further information on the Sanctuary Scheme and how to make an application.
- If you are a social housing tenant, we can help to liaise with your Landlord to see what options are available, including a management transfer. We can also advise you how to register for a mutual exchange.
Sources of support and advice
The National Domestic Abuse Helpline
The National Domestic Abuse helpline can be reached on 0808 2000 247 or
This Freephone helpline is run by Refuge and they can support survivors to access refuge accommodation and explore their rights and options.
Women’s Aid
Women’s Aid runs an online chat service and can provide advice on housing, safety planning, dealing with the police and more.
National Centre for Domestic Violence
The National Centre for Domestic Violence provides a free, fast emergency injunction service to survivors of domestic violence regardless of their financial circumstances, race, gender or sexual orientation. They work in close partnership with the police, solicitors and other support agencies (Refuge, Women’s Aid etc) to help victims obtain speedy protection.
Victim Support
Victim Support provide confidential support and advice to survivors of domestic abuse.
Sanctuary Support Scheme
The Sanctuary scheme hopes to make it possible for survivors of domestic abuse and those at risk of domestic abuse to remain in their homes whilst feeling safer and provides an alternative to relocation away from family and friends, vital support networks and key services. This is done through the installation of enhanced security measures in a victim’s property.
Our Sanctuary Scheme works are completed via our partner the Safe Partnership who will contact you directly to arrange works if your application is accepted as eligible by the council.
To qualify for this scheme, you must meet the following criteria:
- resident within the Rother District Council and at risk of domestic abuse, physical violence or hate crime
- own or rent your home; however, where the victim is renting a property, the landlord’s consent for any works will need to be sought
- Not share the home with the alleged perpetrator of the abuse/ violence
- understand the implications of doing so and do not allow the alleged perpetrator back into the property
Referrals to the scheme can be made by a statutory or voluntary agency, the survivor a friend or family member on their behalf.
To make a referral to the Sanctuary Housing Scheme for a resident of the Rother District Council area please complete the Referral Form below. Completed referrals should be returned to
RISE is an independent, Brighton-based registered charity that helps people affected by domestic abuse. They offer practical help ranging from direct advice to finding refuge accommodation for those whose lives are at risk.