Rother District Council’s Community Grant Scheme supports the development of community facilities, community activities and sustainable local action.
Applications to the scheme are welcomed from properly constituted organisations for services and activities which benefit the residents of Rother. It is intended that the scheme will “pump prime” new capital projects, not for the day-to-day expenses of an organisation.
Preference is given to groups or organisations that:
- Have secured additional funding sources
- Can demonstrate strong community support for their project from the community, local Councillors, and Town and Parish Councils.
- Can show how the on-going costs of their project will be met
- Are capable of completion within 12 months of the date of grant if they are successful
Applicants should discuss their application with their Rother District Councillor who will need to provide their observations for the project. Applicants are strongly encouraged to seek funding from Town or Parish Councils and the Town/Parish Clerk should also provide their observations for projects that benefit residents in their Town or Parish.
What grants are available?
The maximum grant available for each scheme is limited to 50% of the total eligible costs of the project.
There are four types of grants that may be funded:
Small value projects – grants of up to £1,000
These can be applied for at any time during the year. £5,000 each year is ring-fenced for one-off grants up to £1,000 each.
Medium Grants Scheme – between £1,001 – £5,000
These grants are open twice a year. At least 30% of the funding for these projects must come from local support, including where applicable from Town and Parish Councils.
Large Grant Scheme – between £5,001 – £30,000
These grants are open twice a year. It is necessary to demonstrate the long-term viability of the project, together with details of how ongoing costs will be met.
Rother Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Grants Scheme
The Rother Reduce, Reuse and Recycling Grant scheme offers capital funding to community groups and charities who are committed to helping the Rother District to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Grants of up to £1,000 and no more than 50% of the project cost can be granted. The grant pot is set at a maximum of £5,000 and grants will be awarded on a first come, first served basis. Projects must support at least one of the Objectives in our Climate Strategy.
To apply, and to find the Terms & Condition for this scheme, please follow the link below:
Commemorative grants
Rother District Council regularly allocates some funds from its Community Grants Scheme to support local communities in celebrating events of national importance. These grants will be advertised when they are open for applications.
Projects with a total value over £300,000 are not eligible for a Community Grant but may be considered separately by the Council. You will need to contact the relevant Head of Service at the Council to discuss
When can I apply?
Applications for a small grant (under £1,000) can be applied for all year round.
Applications for medium and large grants are considered by the Grants Panel twice a year. The Panel will then make recommendations to Cabinet who has the final decision. You will then be contacted to confirm if your application has been successful and the amount of funding to be awarded.
Applications for the first round should be submitted between 1 April and 6 July with applications considered by Cabinet in September.
Applications for the second round should be submitted between 1 October and 30 November with applications considered by Cabinet in March.
Please note that Cabinet has the final say on all applications and there may be instances where applications that were originally approved by the Grants Panel are later declined by Cabinet. Cabinet also has the right to amend funding amounts.
Help and support
Rother Voluntary Action (RVA) can support your application as a critical friend, by listening, guiding, and offering practical support. RVA supports voluntary and community groups in the district, offers advice on all sources of funding and can assist in applying for grants for a project. It is recommended applicants seek initial advice from RVA before applying, allowing for time for RVA to study, assess and provide feedback before deadline timescales.