The Rother District Public Realm Strategic Framework was formally adopted by the Council on 24th February 2020.
The Public Realm Strategic Framework sets out the vision, objectives and key principles for the public realm in Rother district, and aims to address the need for better and more co-ordinated plans, standards and procedures to guide successful management of, and improvements in, Rother district’s public realm in co-operation with relevant stakeholders.
The Framework is intended to help drive a cultural step change to embed the goal of achieving a quality public realm in Rother, supporting planning policies in the Rother District Local Plan Core Strategy, and the Corporate Plan Vision. It will encourage a more co-ordinated and consistent approach to public realm design, quality and appearance throughout the district and will promote local distinctiveness, helping to deliver community and civic pride in the environment, and economic prosperity and regeneration initiatives.
The Framework provides an overview of the current quality and condition of the district wide public realm and proposes place-specific priorities and principles for public realm management, maintenance and potential intervention, along with setting out the roles and responsibilities of the various local authorities, statutory undertakers/utility companies and other key stakeholders, setting out a number of future actions and initiatives to be developed through a collaborative, multi-agency approach.