Rother District Council Events Funding
Apologies, our grant scheme has now closed due to a high number of applications being submitted (versus a small grants budget). Here are links to other support:
- Veronique Poutrel’s, East Sussex County Council Funding team – they help project coordinators and events promoters seek alternative funding avenues
- Arts Council England grants page. Our open funds | Arts Council England and alternative sources of funding for those that don’t fit ACE criteria (smaller projects or organisations etc.) Other sources of funding | Arts Council England
- Funding | East Sussex County Council Please be mindful of the grant deadlines versus your project timeframe
De La Warr Pavilion – Community Group Concessions
Rother’s relationship with the De La Warr Pavilion is achieved both through funding and through on going partnership working. We are proud that alongside Arts Council England we help support this hub of cultural excellence and working closely with the team at the Pavilion for the benefit of our local communities. To this end we continue to run the concession grant pot allowing community groups in Rother to apply for funding to support venue hire. The event must take place at the De La Warr Pavilion and a provisional date have been confirmed, must be visual / performance based and open to the general public.
Applications will be considered throughout the year on an individual, rolling basis. Applications are now closed due to receiving a high number during the initial months of funding. Please contact Melanie Powell, Cultural Development Officer at 01424 787506.
East Sussex Arts Partnership funding
The East Sussex Arts Partnership has a small number of grants of up to £500 available. These grants are for arts projects which support the East Sussex Cultural Strategy priorities:
- Create an environment where great cultural experiences are available to everyone to enhance their quality of life
- Create an environment which enables the cultural and creative economy to expand and enhances our ability to attract and retain other businesses
- Develop and promote well packaged cultural tourism offers which celebrate the identity of East Sussex, raise its profile and attract more visitors and businesses to the County
The East Sussex Arts Partnership is formed of cultural officers from each of the borough / district councils in the East Sussex area; Rother, Hastings, Wealden, Eastbourne and Lewes together with East Sussex County Council and Arts Council.
East Sussex Cultural Strategy 2013-2023
- Activity must be arts based
- Activity must be supported by an Arts Council National Lottery Grant
- Applications will be considered prior to an Arts Council National Lottery Grant being confirmed but any offer will be dependent on an Arts Council National Lottery grant being secured
- Applicants must supply their final Arts Council National Lottery Grant application as submitted to Arts Council England. Any subsequent amendments will render the application invalid.
- Activity must not start before the decision has been given on the grant (see dates in brackets below)
- Applicant must be a non-profit distributing organisation
- Activity must be open to the general public, be an arts event and have a clear public benefit within East Sussex
The deadlines for applications in 2021 to 2022 are as follows:
- 18 March 2022 (decision 6 April 2022)
- 17 June 2022 (decision 6 July 2022)
- 16 September 2022 (decision 19 October 2022)
- 16 December 2022 (decision 11 January 2023)
Please make sure you seek advice before deciding to make an application. Contact the relevant officer below who will be happy to discuss your idea with you and check you are eligible to apply.