In accordance with the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the Cabinet is required to publish a notice, at least 28 (calendar) days’ in advance of those meetings or parts thereof which it intends to hold in private, confidential session.
A Cabinet meeting will only be held in private if confidential information will be disclosed, or if Cabinet has passed a resolution to exclude the public because exempt information is likely to be disclosed, or a lawful power is used to exclude the public in order to maintain orderly conduct at the meeting. Confidential information is defined as “information provided to the Council by a Government department upon terms which forbid disclosure to the public or information which statute or a court order prohibits from being disclosed to the public”.
Exempt information is set out in Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 and can be found in Part 4 – 2 Access to Information Rules within the Council’s Constitution.
Notices giving details of any meetings and the items that are intended to be held in private will be attached, under the related documents at the bottom of this webpage. Members of the public are able to make representations about why the meeting or part of should be held in public; details of how and to whom representations should be made are given on the notice.
Cabinet will publish a further notice 5 clear days (not including the meeting date or the date that the notice is published) before the private meeting confirming whether or not the item will be considered in confidential session in light of any public representations received. This notice will form part of the Cabinet Agenda itself.