A Personal Search is an inspection of the Local Land Charges Register. It can be carried out by anyone, free of charge. Please note that a Personal Search does not provide all the information given in a full Search (i.e. forms LLC1 and CON 29R).
Procedure forĀ a Personal Search
Please email the request stating the address of each property. We will also require a location plan for each search. All local land charge searches are dealt with in order of receipt and we will contact you by email or telephone once the search is ready, in order to arrange an appointment for collection.
We allow a maximum of 5 personal searches per day. If more are required you will need to make further appointment. In the time leading up to your appointment, we will search the Local Land Charges Register to find any applicable charges. We will also obtain details of any planning applications relating to the property.
Obtaining Replies to Individual CON 29R Enquiries
We are able to provide replies to the individual enquires in Form CON 29R. As a District Council, Rother is not responsible for highways and hence does not maintain the records required to answer the highway enquiries in Form CON 29R. Those records are held by East Sussex County Council, at County Hall, Lewes. To find out how to obtain the replies to highway enquiries please contact the County Council’s Highway Land Information Team on 01273 482316, or by emailing highwaysearches@eastsussex.gov.uk.
With regard to the other enquiries, Rother’s Local Land Charges staff will obtain answers to the enquiries that you require, in time for your appointment. Please let us know which enquiries are needed when you send us details of your personal searches.
Details of our fees for providing replies to the CON 29R enquiries.
You can pay by cash or cheque. Please pay at the Town Hall Reception when you collect your search results. You will be issued with a receipt.
Requesting Optional Enquiries in Form CON 29O
You can obtain the replies to any of the optional enquiries in Form CON 29O by filling in the form and sending it to the Council with a cheque for the appropriate amount. If you require answers to enquiries 4, 5 or 22, you can also obtain them direct from East Sussex County Council. Their contact details are shown above.