This page contains monthly updates on the Blackfriars Site published during 2022. Please visit our Monthly Updates webpage for updates posted in subsequent years.
If you have any queries about the ongoing works or in the case of an emergency, please contact the Breheny Civil Engineering Site Agent, Mr Harayshan Pirabaharan, on Mob. 07399 528626. If you cannot get in touch, please contact the site engineer, Gareth Williams – 07747 017403 or the site foreman.
For any further queries about the housing scheme please contact

Despite the adverse weather conditions, the site continues to make significant process with a number of enabling works being progressed and completed this month. Breheny Civil Engineering Ltd are planning to undertake and supervise the following works during this month:
- Commence drainage installation and public footway construction in Harrier Lane
- Continue with drainage installation in Field 2
- Undertake further archaeological excavations in Field 3 near to the Spinney entrance
- Removal of muck away
- Materials delivery

Breheny Civil Engineering Ltd are planning to undertake the following works during this month:
- Carriageway kerbs installation and surfacing (Phase 1)
- Continue with topsoil strip and reduced dig in Fields 2 & 3
- Commence drainage installation in Field 2
- Removal of muckaway
- Materials delivery

Breheny Civil Engineering Ltd are planning to undertake the following works during this month. The planned works will not affect pedestrian or vehicular access in Harrier Lane or The Spinney. However, our works will now start to extend further across the site and the increased construction activity will mean that we need to prevent public access to areas to safeguard health and safety:
- Continue installation of surface water and foul water drainage. The works involve excavation, installation and reinstatement of drainage pipes and manholes in Field 1
- Continue spine road construction above formation level, with further excavation of existing ground and phased installation of granular and tarmac materials as sub-base layers in Field 1
- Closure of the Public Right of Way (FP76) by ESCC and diversion of the PRoW routes
- Final ecological clearance in Fields 2 & 3
- Commencement of site clearance, enabling works and drainage in Fields 2 & 3
- Removal of excavated materials from site.
- Further delivery of construction materials and plant.