Licensing Act 2003

New applications and variations to existing licences

The application documents can be viewed at the Council offices during office hours (a fee may be charged for any copy). Alternatively, email for further details about the application.

Relevant representations can be sent to Head of Environmental Health, Town Hall, Town Hall Square, Bexhill On Sea, TN39 3JX via e-mail to or using the online form.

Representations must be received by the date shown. Please mark the letter or e-mail “Representation” and quote the reference. All relevant representations will be published in a public report for a hearing which will be held within approximately 20 working days from the last date for representations. If you make written relevant representation you will be sent details of the hearing and be invited to attend.

New Applications

Date 19/12/2024 Reference 32114
The Carriage Beeching Road, Old Ambulance Station, Beeching Road, Bexhill, TN39 3LG
On sales of alcohol Monday to Saturday 12:00-23:00hrs Sunday 12:00-20:00hrs
Last day for representations is 11/02/2025

Major Variations to existing licences


Minor Variation Applications

Date 15/01/2025 Reference 32214
Co op, Seabourne Road, Bexhill, East Sussex TN40 2SW
Remove restrictions on hours on Christmas Day and Good Friday.
Last day for representations is 30/01/2025

Date 24/01/2025 Reference 32261
Beauport Caravan Park, 150 The Ridge West, St Leonards on Sea, TN37 7PP
Minor reconfiguration of gaming area to include barriers, removal of some fixed seating and addition of bi-folding doors.
Last day for representations is 07/02/2025

Application to review a premises licence

Licensing Act 2003

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