Dogs may be seized if they are found by a member of the public and cannot be reconciled with their owner. Lost dogs, or dogs that are not under control may cause a car accident, damage to property, frighten children/people or be harmed by others.
It is very important to keep identification discs/tags and chips up to date, as this makes reuniting dogs and owners straightforward. If the information is out of date, we may not be able to contact the owner, and the dog may be taken into our contractors’ kennels. To check if your dog has been seized, please telephone 01424 490034. If your dog has been seized, you will be charged for the costs incurred plus a statutory fee of £25.
Dogs that are not claimed by their rightful owners within 7 days are re homed.
To register a lost dog go to Lost Dog Registration Form
If you see a dog that is lost and would like our contractor to seize it, please secure the dog in some manner (e.g. by keeping it within a secure garden) and telephone 01424 490034. Please note we do not collect dogs from third parties, i.e. veterinary practices.
Dogs in Kennels
Please telephone Animal Wardens Ltd: 01424 490034 if you have lost your dog.
Summary details of dogs lost and seized can be seen at Lost dogs Rother District Council