The English Historic Towns Forum provides a guide that is particularly relevant to those involved in making planning applications within historic towns, conservation areas or sites close to Listed Buildings.
A Design Wayfinder
Design now has an even stronger role to play in the planning system, both in terms of plan-making and decision taking. The new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), published in late March 2012, makes it unambiguously clear that achieving design quality is an important part of good planning.
Design Council Cabe has published A Design Wayfinder to identify the main sources of guidance and best practice on good design
Bexhill Town Centre Shop Front Design Guidance
Following the completion of the highly successful Heritage Economic Regeneration scheme in Bexhill town centre, the Council adopted shopfront and signage design guidance in 2006 to ensure the continuation of the achievements of the scheme in improving the visual appearance and the vitality of the town centre.
The guidance is a material consideration in the determination of planning applications and applications for advertisements affecting commercial properties in the Bexhill-on-Sea Town Centre Conservation Area.