Managing your waste, recycling, composting – it’s all here!
Here are several websites to inspire you!
- RecycleNow – The WRAP sire for the official UK recycling campaign
- LetsRecycle – The UK’s only independent dedicated website for businesses, local government and community groups involved in recycling and waste management
- RecycleMore – You will find help and advice on all aspects of recycling at home, at school and in the workplace right here!
- Keep Britain Tidy – Environmental charity and the ant-litter campaign for England
- RecyclingGuide – Advice and tips on how to recycle different materials at home and in schools
- DEFRA – Information about recycling from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
- Nappies – Information on re-usable nappies
Our service
Rother District Council does not operate a commercial waste collection service. Our previous waste contractor The Kier Group sold their commercial waste operation to BIFFA Waste Services Limited in 2018. BIFFA or another reputable waste provider can provide a quote for commercial waste and recycling service to businesses in the Rother area. Find out…
There are many benefits to home composting. Lower volumes of household waste due to the appropriate organic materials being composted instead which is beneficial to the environment No journeys to the tip to dispose of green waste such as cuttings, prunings etc Your compost can be used as mulch to…
Re-use and avoiding waste
The simplest and most effective way of dealing with waste is to ensure that it does not arise in the first place - what can you do to reduce your waste? Here's a few ideas. Junk mail Fed up with junk mail? Find out how you can reduce unwanted mail. Old…
Litter, scavenging and avoiding spillages
Litter is a problem that affects every corner of our District, from the centre of our towns to the remotest rural places. The frustration with litter is that it is totally avoidable, whether that be the deliberate dropping of litter or the careless non containment of waste which leads to…