
Leisure Community Survey

Status: Past

Thank you for your help in completing this Community Survey. Rother District Council (RDC) is undertaking this survey to find out residents’ views on physical activity and leisure provision in the District.

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Anti-Poverty Strategy

Status: Past

Our Anti-Poverty Strategy was written after talking to local, regional and national organisations that provide services to deprived communities.

Our vision is to work together, with our local partners, to tackle the symptoms of poverty in order to reduce its impact and enable communities to thrive.

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Budget Consultation

Status: Past

This consultation has now closed. Thank you for taking the time to take part in our consultation on the Council’s budget and Council Tax for the 2022/23 financial year.

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Street Trading Intention

Status: Past

We are consulting on extending street trading in Bexhill town centre and in Ticehurst. We would like to hear about any impact or what you would like the council to take into account before making any changes. This consultation runs to 26 November 2021.

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CTRS Consultation 2021

Status: Past

We consulted from 16 August to 27 September 2021 on changes to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme that reduces council tax for some self-employed residents on very low incomes. Thank you to all those who responded, the results are being analysed and will be reported to Councillors.

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Bexhill Bike and Skate Park

Status: Past

Rother District Council is consulting on a project to improve sport and recreation facilities at Sidley Recreation Ground, Canada Way in Bexhill. This consultation runs into June, but early participation is encouraged.

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