
Vehicles on Rother Beaches

Status: Awaiting Results

We are consulting until 3 May on whether or not to create a public space protection order to fine people who drive, park or camp on Rother’s beaches. After incidents in 2023 at Herbrand Walk, Bexhill and on Camber sands, this is a possible solution to stop anti-social behaviour and environmental damage.

The council would particularly like to hear from beach users, neighbouring residents, businesses and services on or near the beaches and various groups that use the beaches for business or leisure. We are consulting the relevant town and parish councils with beaches in their borders.

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Changes to Cash Payments in Our Car Parks

Status: Awaiting Results

We would like the views from our car park users on our proposals to relocate cash payments from Rother District Council owned car park machines to PayPoints. We propose to stop our ticket machines from taking cash but they will continue to take both contactless and credit/debit card payments. Instead, people using our car parks could pay in cash at nearby PayPoints which are located, in local shops and businesses. This consultation relates to our 2024/25 budget and previous budget consultation.

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Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2024/25 consultation

Status: Past

Council Tax Reduction is a discount for Council Tax. The level of discount is based on the income of the household. Currently the maximum discount for pension age households is 100% and for working age households 80% of Council Tax liability.

The Council can only make changes to the working age scheme as the Council Tax Reduction scheme for pensioners is prescribed by Government.

The CTR scheme in Rother currently helps around 6401 households on a low income to pay their council tax. Of these, 3,648 households are of working age and their eligibility is calculated using Rother's Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme. 2,753 are of pension age and their eligibility is calculated using the national scheme.

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2024/25 Budget Consultation – Financial Challenges Ahead

Status: Awaiting Results

The ongoing difficult financial climate continues to put council budgets under severe pressure.

Inflation, increases in the cost of providing local services such as waste and housing, coupled with over a decade of reductions in central Government funding means that we now face a £3.8 million budget shortfall for 2024/25.

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Housing Allocations Policy 2023

Status: Awaiting Results

We consulted on changing the housing allocations policy. The allocation policy sets out the rules the council uses to decide if someone can apply for social housing and how high they would be placed on the housing register, depending on their individual needs. This consultation was open from 7 July 2023 to 9 am on Monday, 4 September. Update: Reported to Cabinet 5 February 2024

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Dog Control in 2023

Status: Past

We are consulting on potential changes to where dogs are allowed to go in public open spaces. There are proposals for Bexhill, Camber, Pett, Rye and Winchelsea. This consultation opened on 5 June and closed on 31 July. We had around 2,000 responses and would like to thank everyone for their participation.

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