Status: Past
We are consulting on potential changes to where dogs are allowed to go in public open spaces. There are proposals for Bexhill, Camber, Pett, Rye and Winchelsea. This consultation opened on 5 June and closed on 31 July. We had around 2,000 responses and would like to thank everyone for their participation.
We were consulting on potential changes to dog control in the districts, to update our Public Space Protection Order.
The current order can be found here: THE PUBLIC SPACES PROTECTION ORDER (No.1A) ROTHER DISTRICT COUNCIL 2020
The results of this consultation were taken to the Cabinet meeting on 9 October 2023.
You can read the report and minutes of the meeting (CB23/33 refers) here.
Cabinet decided to extend the exclusion of dogs on Bexhill beach eastward of Brassey Road so that the beach around Bexhill Sailing Club was included. No other changes were made in Bexhill.
Cabinet decided to make no changes to the dog controls at Camber and Pett. Dog controls are removed at Winchelsea Beach. Dogs will be allowed anywhere in Rye Cemetery and in Rye Gun Garden site as long as they are on a fixed lead.
Existing controls on sports and recreational facilities across Rother will continue. Dogs will be excluded from all tennis courts, defined play areas, gym equipment areas, skate and BMX parks and race tracks, There will be an addition in Bexhill to exclude dogs from Little Common Football Club’s fenced pitch.
Sports and Recreational Facilities
We propose to ban dogs from sport and recreational facilities that are available in public open spaces, such as tennis courts, cricket, football and hockey pitches, gym equipment areas, BMX and skateboard areas in all of Rother. We have received complaints from football coaches that they have to “clean” football pitches before training or a match. Unfortunately, some dog owners don’t clean up after their dogs or don’t do so effectively. The exclusion would apply to football and cricket pitches when in use. The exclusion would only apply to the actual sports pitch or court and not the entire green area or ground. Dogs would continue to have the same permissions to use the rest of the green space.
Bexhill Seafront
We have two options for Bexhill seafront. We could require dog owners to keep their dogs on a lead all year on the main part of the promenade or to keep their dogs on leads only during the summer. The dates would be from 1 May to 30 September inclusive. In addition, we propose to have no dogs on the beach between Brockley Road and Brassey Road. The extension to the dog exclusion area on Bexhill beach is being proposed as there have been complaints of dog fouling around the sailing club boats.
Camber Beach
We have two options for Camber beach. We propose no dogs on the beach from 1 May to 30 September except west of access C in the western car park. Or we could have the same conditions but allow dogs on the beach east of the eastern most part of the Broomhill car park. The extension of the dog exclusion zone at Camber is to reduce any conflict between dogs and kite surfers.
Pett Beach
We propose to have no controls on dogs on Pett Beach. Dogs would be allowed at any time and without a lead.
Rye Cemetery
We have two options for Rye Cemetery. We propose either dogs on short leads being allowed in Rye Cemetery or no dogs except on the right of way footpath through Rye Cemetery. The dogs on the footpaths would also be required to be on short leads.
Rye Gun Garden
We have two options for Rye Gun Garden. We propose to either allow dogs on short leads or to have no dogs in the Gun Garden.
Winchelsea Beach
We propose to have no controls on dogs on Winchelsea Beach. Dogs would be allowed at any time and without a lead.
Map of Current & Proposed Controls
How to Take Part in this Consultation
This consultation closed on Monday 31st July 2023
Frequently Asked Questions from Those Answering the Consultations
Q: What about the existing controls in the current Public Space Protection Order? Will they continue in the new order? For example, dog controls in Battle.
We propose no other changes to the current Public Space Protection Order. What is in the current order will be included in the new PSPO. That means our proposal is for no changes for Battle or other places except our specific proposed changes. However, this is an opportunity for you to look at the existing controls and have your say about them. You can comment towards the end of our online questionnaire or send us your views through the other means listed.
Q: What about cats, are they controlled on public green spaces?
The council has no authority, under the public space protection order regulations, to control the access of cats to these spaces. Cats are free agents.
Q: What if I want to comment on dog controls in a place not on your list or in your questions?
You can comment on any of the current dog controls or on any location. There is provision for this in our online questionnaire or you can communicate using any of the other methods listed under How to Consult.
Q: What happens next, after 31 July?
The council will take some time to consider your responses and how it should re-draft the dog control order. We may consult again, before November, if we have new information or changes that have come out of undertaking this consultation.