Ask the Leader

Question 15/23

Q: Is it true that the recent decision to close the toilets was made at an away day and no minutes or video are available? Surely a decision as important as this needs consultation and correct debate in a public forum?…

A: With an expected £3.8 million shortfall in our budget for 2024/25, work is underway to find the necessary savings to balance the books. Whilst we are confident that a lot of the savings can be made by working more efficiently,…

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Question 14/23

Q: I understand there is a proposal to close a significant number of public conveniences in Bexhill and surrounding towns within the Rother area. Is this a proposal for consultation or has a decision been reached by the council already? If…

A: Like many Councils, Rother District Council is facing significant financial challenges and is currently exploring options to help close the current £3.8 million funding gap, including reviewing our discretionary services such as the provision of public conveniences, and whether these…

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Question 13/23

Q: The expanse of beach at Herbrand Walk is increasingly being used by vans, caravans and other vehicles which appear to be used for human occupation. Is any action being taken to restore this for day visitors only? There is also…

A: The Council is working with the police, ESCC parking enforcement and other agencies to resolve this matter. The pop up cafe has gone.

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Question 12/23

Q: In accordance with the Rother website we have been recycling plastic coverings to fruit and vegetable packaging. In recent weeks an increasing number of these have carried the message “ RECYCLE at store Don’t recycle at home”. Others say “Recycle…

A: Our household recycling in Rother allows this type of plastic packaging to be recycled whereas within other areas of the country they may not be able to take this form of plastic packaging hence the labelling from the supermarket. In…

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Question 11/23

Q: Should the Head of Tourism resign after her disastrous, ignorant, arrogant, uninformed performance on Radio Kent yesterday, July 11th, regarding the new £30 flat fee for parking in Camber Central car park, and the smaller one close by. Please investigate,…

A: The interview on Radio Kent was given by the Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Tourism and Neighbourhood Services, Cllr Hazel Timpe (not the Head of Tourism). Whilst Cllr Timpe has held the responsibility for Tourism for some time, she has…

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Question 10/23

Q: Good Afternoon. Could you please tell me why the relief road on the ridge has not been completed.

A: The Queensway Gateway road falls under the responsibility of East Sussex County Council, and I would direct you to their website for further information.

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Question 09/23

Q: I made the mistake which of littering whilst getting a coffee in Ravenside. For which I am sorry and tried to rectify the situation and paid the fixed penalty notice. I hope this zero tolerance can be applied to the…

A: Our enforcement officers work in all public areas across the district. Income received is used for environmental work. I cannot comment on issues not within ROTHER or the responsibility of the Council.

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Question 08/23

Q: Dear Sir, New developments are on the increase in the area and are generally not adopted by the Council. Residents have to pay a Service charge in order to provide maintenance of the infrastructure. Such as roadways, street lighting and…

A: Council tax is a statutory tax collected by local councils and not a payment for specific services. Although Council tax is collected locally, it is based on national legislation set by the Government. Therefore, local councils do not have the…

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Question 07/23

Q: What is the maximum number of dogs one person can walk together in Rother please?

A: There are no controls regarding the number of dogs one person can walk.

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Question 06/23

Q: How can your dog control consultation be valid and meaningful when the terminology used on your website to describe the proposals is misleading? Your Head of Environmental Services has said that the meaning of “in use” in the statement “The…

A: This is a meaningful consultation – members will make a decision on whether to impose controls on some or all sports pitches. Depending on what this decision is, then further thought will be given to definitions or specific sites.

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