I understand there is a proposal to close a significant number of public conveniences in Bexhill and surrounding towns within the Rother area. Is this a proposal for consultation or has a decision been reached by the council already?
If the latter, is this not shortsighted in that it will exclude a large number of residents and visitors from using the town, for fear of not being able to reach public conveniences at a time of need whilst undertaking their business, shopping, recreational activities or tourism?
Whilst the council needs to balance books these surely are minimum facilities that need to be maintained for fear of ending up a ghost town?
I would implore reconsideration of this decision.
Like many Councils, Rother District Council is facing significant financial challenges and is currently exploring options to help close the current £3.8 million funding gap, including reviewing our discretionary services such as the provision of public conveniences, and whether these can be managed more sustainably. Waste collections and housing take up much of the small amount of council tax that RDC receives from taxpayers, along with environmental health services. Rother District has more toilets per head of population than almost all other local authorities across the UK and it is with great regret that we can no longer afford keep all the toilets open. We have therefore had to make the difficult decision to temporarily close some of the toilets. We do understand and appreciate people’s concerns, and we will continue to work with Town and Parish Councils, clubs and organisations to take on the provision of this service for their local communities.