Ask the Leader

Question 24/24

Q: Could you please explain why Rother charge £81 pa for their garden waste collection service and Wealden only £60 !

A: This Council, along with many other Councils across the country, is facing unprecedented financial challenges and we must do everything we can to try and deliver a balanced budget while at the same time protecting those services which our residents…

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Question 23/24

Q: Looking back to my question, I note that the practice of leaving bins blocking the pavements persists. Note an article in Rye News regarding the issue for wheelchair uses. When will RDC instruct the contractor that they are supplying…

A: Unfortunately, the curtilage or presentation of some containers are adjacent to or on narrow pavements. Regardless of the property location residents are requested to place containers out for collection only on collection days and to move them back into their…

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Question 22/24

Q: I’ve just renewed my carpark permit but despite having a Direct Debit, it doesn’t renew automatically. I have to fill in all the details and then wait for the permit to be posted to me. Isn’t it time RDC bought…

A: Rother District Council will be working with a contractor over the summer period to introduce a digital parking permit system for car parks. Please see for updates.

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Question 21/24

Q: What analysis will be carried out following the trial closure of some of the public toilets in Rye? Will there be a review of financial losses to businesses and charities in the town? If so, how will that be carried…

A: A number of public toilets across the district closed on a trial basis over the winter months. The decision was taken as Rother District Council faces a £3.8m budget shortfall for 2024/25. Over the last eighteen months, we’ve been in…

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Question 20/24

Q: The public conveniences/toilets at Cooden Beach Station have been closed/boarded up. Why? When will they reopen? as i am sure that you are aware, there are no conveniences at the station. Your webpage about this situation does not open.

A: Cooden Sea Road toilets are located near to both the beach and the railway station. Unfortunately. when they were open they suffered constant vandalism and abuse through ‘cottaging’ which proved difficult to prevent, despite police intervention. It was therefore felt…

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Question 19/24

Q:  I note that the price for a garden bin collection is to rise from £55 to £81, a 26% increase. I’m wondering how RDC can justify such a huge increase? It’s outrageous hike in a service which will presumably increase…

A: Further to the budget report dated 5 February 2024, it has been confirmed that the Garden Waste collections annual subscription charge will rise from 15 July 2024 to £81.00 per annum for the first container and £66.00 per annum for…

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Question 18/24

Q: When the tennis courts in Egerton Park are refurbished will there still be one with mini goal posts for children to access easily and for free? The one there is very well used and vital for the youngsters. It could…

A: Five public tennis courts in Egerton Park are in the process of having their surfaces refurbished with funding provided via the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA). The sixth court will not be refurbished as it will be remaining as the popular…

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Question 17/23

Q: When will public toilets be reinstated. It is simply not good enough that these facilities are not available in all necessary places. The Mount Street car park in Battle and Sedlescombe car park in particular need these vital services. It…

A: Thank you for your correspondence in which you expressed your concerns regarding the trial closure of some of our public toilets. We appreciate the time you have taken to give us your much valued feedback and we understand that the…

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Question 16/23

Q: The public toilets say`s Trial but there’s no end date ? so please can you say when the end date is please

A: The toilets will most likely be closed for the winter and into 2024 whilst the budget consultation is in progress, which refers to the closures and invites feedback from residents and stakeholders. The consultation closes in December 2023 after which…

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Question 15/23

Q: Is it true that the recent decision to close the toilets was made at an away day and no minutes or video are available? Surely a decision as important as this needs consultation and correct debate in a public forum?…

A: With an expected £3.8 million shortfall in our budget for 2024/25, work is underway to find the necessary savings to balance the books. Whilst we are confident that a lot of the savings can be made by working more efficiently,…

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