The Council is under a general duty to make arrangements for the collection of household waste, but there are variations on the service offered to residents due to the wide range of locations we collect from.

For many households throughout Rother, collection is mainly an alternate weekly kerbside service. This means that a collection of general waste will be followed on week two by a collection of recycling and, where applicable, garden waste. Details of what items can be presented under these 3 main collection services can be found here What can i put in my bins ?.
We plan to expand the service whenever possible to include as many households who can feasibly be collected from via this scheme.

From an individual new build to a whole new development, information for planners, developers and architects can be found here. Our guidance below outlines all the elements you will need to consider to provide waste facilities which will allow us to provide effective and efficient waste services.

The service to residents in flats or town centre locations varies due to certain limitations such as space available in communal areas or street restrictions, specific to individual sites. Details of these should have been received when you move in and are communicated on an ongoing basis.

Please do not hesitate to contact Customer Services with any questions you may have on specific collections.

Our waste collections are carried out by Biffa Municipal Ltd- for more information see Our Service.

Our refuse disposal is handled by East Sussex County Council’s contractors Veolia – for more information see Our Service.

For more information on what happens to our collected recycling and rubbish, please see Where does it go?

New waste contract, summer 2019 FAQs

This page will be used to answer FAQ's about the new waste, recycling, street and beach cleaning contract starting in Summer 2019. At the moment we can only confirm the award of the contract, over the next few months as we clarify exactly how the services are going to be provided…

Daily waste collections (MON - FRI)

Daily waste collections take place at 7am, Monday to Friday (not at weekends) The daily collections are carried out on Devonshire Road, Devonshire Square, Sackville Road, St Leonards Road and Western Road. The service is to help residents with limited access to waste storage manage their waste more easily and actively contribute towards…

Daily waste collection FAQ's

Daily waste collections (Mon-Fri) only apply to Devonshire, Sackville, St Leonards and Western Road, Bexhill.

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