This page will be used to answer FAQ’s about the new waste, recycling, street and beach cleaning contract starting in Summer 2019. At the moment we can only confirm the award of the contract, over the next few months as we clarify exactly how the services are going to be provided we will update this page to provide answers to all the questions that you may have.

Q: Put simply what do I need to know and do now?


Just carry on as normal with your bins and the days you present for collection. You will be contacted with plenty of notice if and when anything is being changed. We are sure you have lots of questions about the new contract but we would ask that you do not get in contact with us; we will keep you updated of any changes and what these changes might mean at the appropriate time, we will also provide information about the new services when it is relevant.

Q: When is the new waste, recycling, street and beach cleaning contract starting?


Saturday June 29th 2019 is the start date. Biffa the new contractor needs time to prepare, plan and source the vehicles and equipment for the new contract ready to start in the summer. In the meantime its business as usual with the current contractor Kier.

Q: Who are Biffa and why have they been awarded the contract?


The appointment of Biffa follows a robust procurement project conducted by Hastings, Rother and Wealden councils over the last year following a mutually agreed early exit from the current contract with Kier Environmental Services. Biffa are a specialist waste management company with considerable knowledge and experience. This provides us with confidence they will deliver our residents with an excellent quality of service.

Q: Why is the current contract coming to an end?


Under the current contract with Kier Environmental Services, which started in 2013, the nature of the waste and recycling environment has changed enormously. These changes created a difficult environment for Kier to operate in and as a consequence the councils and Kier jointly decided it was in the best interest of both parties and the resident of Rother to end the contract early.

Q: When will changes be made to our collections and services?


If and when any changes are made to household waste, recycling and garden waste collections Rother residents will be contacted advising of the changes and when they will take place. Don’t worry you will be given plenty of notice so please wait for further information, we ask that you do not contact Customer Services by telephone or email to ask questions about the new contract and its services. Our contact centre is very busy and at this early stage our staff cannot provide the answers you may be looking for. We greatly appreciate your patience; we will make all information about the new services available and communicate it to residents when it is relevant and all the fine details of the new services have been confirmed.

Q: How come we can no longer recycle cartons/TetraPak?


TetraPak/cartons can be placed in your rubbish where they will be collected and sent to the Energy from Waste facility at Newhaven and converted into electrical energy – enough to supply 25,000 homes.

Q: I don't want to keep my glass box?


There’s no need to separate glass anymore and we are keen to provide residents with an efficient and easy to use service. If you do not wish to keep the box, we kindly ask that you dispose of it at your local tip.

Q: Why are you now mixing recycling after asking us previously to separate glass?


There is now the machinery in place to separate glass at the recycling centre, and working with our new contractor Biffa has meant we can make the service easier for residents to use.

Q: Are there any plans to bring in food waste collections?


There are currently no plans to bring in food waste collections. If food waste is something you are concerned about you can find out how to avoid food waste on the East Sussex County Council food recycling page

Q: Will you still charge for garden waste collections?


Yes, unfortunately this is not a statutory service and we are no longer able to offer free garden waste collections. You can find out more about the service and sign up on our website

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