Basic eligibility assessment will be undertaken by council officers. If the project meets eligibility criteria it will then go on to be formally assessed.
A Panel made up of Council Members, Officers and community representatives will consider applications that meet the scheme criteria.
A scoring template has been developed to ensure that all applications are fairly assessed.
How will applications be assessed?
- Is the project eligible?
- Will the project offer real community benefit?
- Does the project support the Council and UKSPF Aims?
- Have the environmental impacts of the project been considered and does the project contribute to net zero aspirations for Rother?
- Does the project support any of the objectives set out in the Council’s Corporate Plan?
- Is the project identified in a Local Action Plan?
- Is the organisation/group contributing financially to the project?
- Have other sources of funding been committed?
- Is there evidence of community support for the project?
- Does the project have landowner/landlord permission?
- Are there any concerns over project deliverability and ongoing sustainability?
- Does the project have phases? Is it clear which phase the grant will be used for, and does this phase have a definitive end point?
- How inclusive is the project?
- Does the project support an existing Council service?
- Is the relevant Council Officer supportive of the proposed project?
We especially welcome applications that support the broad objectives of the Council’s Corporate Plan. The Council’s Corporate Plan, which includes the Council’s aims and Executive Priority Projects can be viewed on our Corporate Plan page
Please note: Incomplete applications will not be processed.